Mystery and Deception at the Dubrovnik Summit Unveiled

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mystery and Deception at the Dubrovnik Summit Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad Dubrovnika, obasjavajući plavi Jadran koji se sjajio s druge strane prozora konferencijskog centra.En: The sun shone above Dubrovnik, illuminating the blue Adriatic that glimmered beyond the conference center window.Hr: Unutra je vladala nervoza.En: Inside, there was nervousness.Hr: Ivana, organizatorica summita, hodala je hodnicima s osmijehom na licu.En: Ivana, the summit organizer, walked the halls with a smile on her face.Hr: Nitko nije znao da je tajna misija opsjeda.En: No one knew about the secret mission looming.Hr: Željela je otkriti istinu o korupciji unutar svoje organizacije.En: She wanted to uncover the truth about the corruption within her organization.Hr: Tijekom ključnog govora uglednog delegata, nešto se dogodilo.En: During the keynote speech of a distinguished delegate, something happened.Hr: Delegat je nestao.En: The delegate disappeared.Hr: Ljudi su počeli šaptati.En: People started whispering.Hr: Ivana je osjećala teret odgovornosti.En: Ivana felt the weight of responsibility.Hr: Trebala je nastaviti s događajem, ali i riješiti zagonetku nestalog delegata.En: She needed to continue with the event but also solve the mystery of the missing delegate.Hr: Matija, njezin kolega, bio je smiren.En: Matija, her colleague, was calm.Hr: Previše smiren.En: Too calm.Hr: Njegovo ponašanje izazvalo je sumnju u njoj.En: His behavior aroused suspicion in her.Hr: Zajedno su morali riješiti zbrku, a istovremeno, Ivana je odlučila istražiti Matijinu umiješanost.En: Together, they had to unravel the chaos, while at the same time, Ivana decided to investigate Matija's involvement.Hr: Njegove veze s drugim suradnicima bile su sumnjive.En: His connections with other collaborators seemed suspicious.Hr: Iskoristivši pauzu između sesija, Ivana je pronjuškala kroz Matijin ured.En: Taking advantage of a break between sessions, Ivana snooped through Matija's office.Hr: Pronašla je dokumente koji su izgledali sumnjivo.En: She found documents that looked suspicious.Hr: Bilo je spominjanja nekih tajnih sastanaka i financijskih transakcija.En: There were mentions of secret meetings and financial transactions.Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako joj srce lupa.En: Ivana felt her heart race.Hr: Dokazi su upućivali na Matiju.En: The evidence pointed to Matija.Hr: Pod okriljem noći, Ivana je Matiju pozvala u zabačen kut konferencijskog centra.En: Under the cover of night, Ivana called Matija to a secluded corner of the conference center.Hr: Parkirna garaža bila je prazna, a zvuk mora odzvanjao je u pozadini.En: The parking garage was empty, and the sound of the sea echoed in the background.Hr: Iznijela mu je što je saznala.En: She confronted him with what she had discovered.Hr: "Matija, pronašla sam dokaze.En: "Matija, I found evidence.Hr: Gdje je delegat?En: Where is the delegate?"Hr: " pitala je odlučno.En: she asked firmly.Hr: Matija je pokušao poricati, ali njegovo lice izdalo ga je.En: Matija tried to deny it, but his face betrayed him.Hr: Nakon kratkog verbalnog sparinga, priznao je sudjelovanje u korupciji i nestanku...