Mystical Glows: Unveiling Secrets of Dubrovnik's Ancient Ruins
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mystical Glows: Unveiling Secrets of Dubrovnik's Ancient Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Hladan zimski zrak prožimao je ruševine Dubrovnika, dok je lagani vjetar donosio miris soli s mora.En: The cold winter air permeated the ruins of Dubrovnik, as a light wind carried the scent of salt from the sea.Hr: Stari kamen pod nogama bio je klizav od mraza koji je svjetlucao pod svjetlom mjeseca.En: The old stone underfoot was slippery with frost that glistened under the moonlight.Hr: Stjepan je stajao tiho, promatrajući sjenke koje su plesale među arhaičnim zidovima.En: Stjepan stood quietly, observing the shadows dancing among the archaic walls.Hr: Nedavno, jedan neobjašnjivi simbol pojavio se na središnjem zidu ruševina.En: Recently, an inexplicable symbol appeared on the central wall of the ruins.Hr: Ovalan oblik, s linijama koje su se ukrštale poput mreže pauka, smještao se u srcu mjesta mistike.En: An oval shape, with lines intersecting like a spider’s web, nestled at the heart of this mystical place.Hr: Stjepan je bio fasciniran.En: Stjepan was fascinated.Hr: On je bio amaterski arheolog, uvijek u potrazi za izgubljenim tajnama, sanjajući o tome da bi ovaj simbol mogao biti ključ za otkriti davno zaboravljenu kulturu povezan s Danom svetog Nikole.En: He was an amateur archaeologist, always in search of lost secrets, dreaming that this symbol could be the key to uncovering a long-forgotten culture connected with St. Nicholas's Day.Hr: Mirela, lokalna povjesničarka, bila je skeptična.En: Mirela, a local historian, was skeptical.Hr: Njena ljubav prema povijesti i zaštiti kulturne baštine značila je da nije baš vjerovala u Stjepanove teorije.En: Her love for history and the protection of cultural heritage meant she didn't quite believe in Stjepan's theories.Hr: "Sigurno je to samo slučajnost", rekla je, rukom pokazivajući na simbol.En: "Surely it's just a coincidence," she said, gesturing at the symbol.Hr: "Ali, ako te to toliko intrigira, pridružit ću ti se.En: "But if it intrigues you so much, I'll join you.Hr: Ali Moramo biti pažljivi.En: But we must be careful."Hr: "Stjepan se složio.En: Stjepan agreed.Hr: Ostat će preko noći u ruševinama, očekujući da možda simbol otkrije još neki znak.En: He would stay overnight in the ruins, expecting that perhaps the symbol would reveal another sign.Hr: Mirela je donijela neke svoje zapise i dogovorili su se da ništa ne diraju, samo promatraju.En: Mirela brought some of her notes, and they agreed not to touch anything, just observe.Hr: Dok su oblaci prekrivali mjesec, tišina se spustila na ruševine.En: As the clouds covered the moon, silence descended on the ruins.Hr: Kratke, duboke sjene postale su potpun mrak.En: Short, deep shadows turned into complete darkness.Hr: Stjepan i Mirela sjedili su uz vatru koju su pažljivo zapalili.En: Stjepan and Mirela sat by the fire they had carefully made.Hr: Zatim, nešto se promijenilo.En: Then, something changed.Hr: Simbol, kao da ga je obasjala čudesna svjetlost iznutra, zablistao je.En: The symbol, as if lit by a miraculous light from within, began to glow.Hr: "Moraš to zapisati!En: "You must record this!"Hr: " šapnula je Mirela, dok su gledali kako svjetlost polako nestaje.En: Mirela whispered as they watched the light slowly fade away.Hr: Brzo su uzeli...