Nature's Stand: A Battle for Preservation Amidst the Storm
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Nature's Stand: A Battle for Preservation Amidst the Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jesen je stigla u Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.En: Autumn has arrived in Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.Hr: Lišće je sve nijanse zlatne i crvene.En: The leaves are every shade of gold and red.Hr: Vjetar hladi zrak, donosi miris mokre zemlje.En: The wind cools the air, bringing the scent of wet earth.Hr: Ivica stoji na obali jezera.En: Ivica stands on the shore of the lake.Hr: Gleda oko sebe i osjeća se kao kod kuće.En: He looks around and feels at home.Hr: Voli prirodu.En: He loves nature.Hr: Želi je sačuvati.En: He wants to preserve it.Hr: Njegova misija danas je važna.En: His mission today is important.Hr: Mira dolazi s osmijehom.En: Mira arrives with a smile.Hr: Iskusna je i smirena.En: She is experienced and calm.Hr: "Jesi li spreman, Ivica?En: "Are you ready, Ivica?"Hr: " pita ga.En: she asks him.Hr: Ivica klimne.En: Ivica nods.Hr: "Spreman sam.En: "I'm ready.Hr: Uz tvoju pomoć, siguran sam da ćemo uspjeti.En: With your help, I'm sure we'll succeed."Hr: "Nikola trči prema njima, pun energije i entuzijazma.En: Nikola runs towards them, full of energy and enthusiasm.Hr: "Dan svetog Andrije!En: "St. Andrew's Day!Hr: Možda nam donese sreću!En: Maybe it'll bring us luck!"Hr: " kaže uzbuđeno.En: he says excitedly.Hr: Ivica se nasmije.En: Ivica smiles.Hr: Nikola je mlad i optimističan, prava je snaga tima.En: Nikola is young and optimistic, the real strength of the team.Hr: Grupa se okuplja.En: The group gathers.Hr: Dolaze predstavnici investitora i stručnjaka.En: Representatives of investors and experts arrive.Hr: Skeptični su i zabrinuti za financije.En: They are skeptical and worried about finances.Hr: Ivica mora pokazati zašto je ovaj projekt važan.En: Ivica must show why this project is important.Hr: "Ima mnogo toga za napraviti," reče Mira, "ali ti to možeš.En: "There is much to do," Mira says, "but you can do it."Hr: "Prezentacija počinje.En: The presentation begins.Hr: Mirni zvukovi vode daju im mir.En: The calm sounds of water bring them peace.Hr: Sve teče glatko.En: Everything flows smoothly.Hr: No, iznenada, nebo potamni.En: But suddenly, the sky darkens.Hr: Počinje kiša.En: It starts to rain.Hr: Kiša se pretvara u oluju.En: The rain turns into a storm.Hr: Svi traže zaklon.En: Everyone seeks shelter.Hr: Ivica osjeća paniku.En: Ivica feels panic.Hr: Ali tada vidi Mira i Nikolu kako smireno nastavljaju s pripremama.En: But then he sees Mira and Nikola calmly continuing with the preparations.Hr: Unatoč oluji, Ivica staje pred grupu.En: Despite the storm, Ivica stands before the group.Hr: Glasno govori kako je ova oluja primjer onoga što dolazi ako ne poduzmemo nešto.En: He speaks loudly about how this storm is an example of what's to come if we don't take action.Hr: "Klimatske promjene ne čekaju.En: "Climate change doesn't wait.Hr: Moramo djelovati sada!En: We must act now!"Hr: " Njegove riječi odzvanjaju prostorom.En: His words echo...