Peppered Mischief: A Dubrovnik Festival Tale

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Peppered Mischief: A Dubrovnik Festival Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, stari grad Dubrovnik zablistao je kao kulisa priče o prijateljstvu i začinjenoj pustolovini.En: One sunny morning, the old city of Dubrovnik shone like a backdrop to a story of friendship and seasoned adventure.Hr: Luka, Ivana i Petar, troje prijatelja koji su odrasli u ovim uskim ulicama koje prianjaju uz ogromne zidine, bili su vječni istraživači svakog kutka svog voljenog grada.En: Luka, Ivana, and Petar, three friends who had grown up in these narrow streets clinging to the enormous walls, were perpetual explorers of every corner of their beloved city.Hr: Svake godine, kada ljeto okupa grad svojim zrakama, Dubrovnik oživi festivalom hrane koji privlači ljude sa svih strana svijeta.En: Every year, when summer bathed the city with its rays, Dubrovnik would come alive with a food festival that attracted people from all over the world.Hr: Naše troje prijatelja nije propustilo ni jedan festival, jer je to bila njihova tradicija.En: Our three friends never missed a single festival, as it was their tradition.Hr: "Ivanice, prošli put nisi probala one pikantne paprike, zar ne?En: "Ivana, last time you didn't try those spicy peppers, did you?"Hr: " rekao je Luka, dok su se gurali kroz mnoštvo okupljeno na glavnom trgu.En: Luka said as they pushed their way through the crowd gathered in the main square.Hr: "Jesi li zaboravio?En: "Do you forget?Hr: Naravno da je probala, ali ne sjećaš se reakcije, zar ne?En: Of course she tried them, but do you not remember her reaction?"Hr: " nasmijao se Petar, znajući da je Ivana doista probala paprike, ali nije bila ljubitelj začina.En: laughed Petar, knowing that Ivana had indeed tasted the peppers, but she wasn't a fan of spicy food.Hr: Luka se samo nasmiješio i krenuo dalje, gotovo plešući između štandova s plavim stolnjacima i šarenim posudama punim lokalnih delicija.En: Luka just smiled and moved on, almost dancing among the stalls with blue tablecloths and colorful bowls filled with local delicacies.Hr: Lukin cilj bio je pronaći najbolji umak za tjesteninu koju je planirao pripremiti večeras za svoju obitelj.En: Luka's goal was to find the best sauce for the pasta he was planning to make for his family that evening.Hr: "Pazite ovo!En: "Check this out!"Hr: " uzviknuo je Luka, mašući malom staklenkom ispred Ivaninih i Petrovih nosova.En: exclaimed Luka, waving a small jar in front of Ivana's and Petar's noses.Hr: "Ovo će biti savršeno za moju tjesteninu!En: "This will be perfect for my pasta!"Hr: "Uzbuđeno, naglo je otvorio staklenku, a miris svježeg paradajza proširio se zrakom.En: Excitedly, he swiftly opened the jar, and the scent of fresh tomatoes filled the air.Hr: Ivana i Petar su se zadivljeno usmjerkali prema staklenki, ali nisu znali za Lukinu pomutnju.En: Ivana and Petar gazed in amazement at the jar but were not aware of Luka's confusion.Hr: Ali kad je Luka stavio veliku žlicu "umaka od paradajza" na svoj jezik, njegov osmijeh odmah je nestao, zamijenjen grimasom.En: But when Luka put a large spoonful of "tomato sauce" on his tongue, his smile immediately vanished, replaced by a grimace.Hr: Vrućina se širila njegovim ustima kao požar, goreći od jezika do grla.En: Heat spread through his mouth like fire, burning from his tongue to his throat.Hr: Oči...