Recipe for Romance: A Baker's Mishap

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Recipe for Romance: A Baker's Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je polako zalazilo, a živopisne boje neba obojale su krovove stare jezgre grada.En: The sun was slowly setting, and the picturesque colors of the sky painted the roofs of the old town's center.Hr: U malenom kafiću na trgu, stari zidovi pričali su priče mnogih generacija koje su ovdje popijale svoje prve kave ili proslavile ljubav.En: In a small café on the square, the old walls told the stories of many generations who had sipped their first coffees here or celebrated love.Hr: Tu su Luka i Ana odlučili provesti svoje poslijepodne.En: This is where Luka and Ana had decided to spend their afternoon.Hr: Luka je bio omiljeni konobar kafića, poznat po svojim šalama i čarima.En: Luka was the beloved bartender of the café, known for his jokes and charm.Hr: Bio je veći dio dana i uvijek je želio impresionirati Anu, djevojku koja bi sjedila za stolom ispod starog oraha i čitala knjige o dalekim zemljama.En: He had been there for most of the day and always wanted to impress Ana, the girl who would sit at the table under the old walnut tree and read books about distant lands.Hr: Danas je Luka imao plan.En: Today, Luka had a plan.Hr: Uzeo je pladanj pun slasnih peciva i krenuo prema Ani, ali i prema sudbini koja je imala svoje druge planove.En: He took a tray full of delicious pastries and headed towards Ana, but fate had other plans.Hr: "Humor je ključ srca", mislio je Luka i hodao držeći pladanj visoko iznad glave, dok su mu se usne razvlačile u osmijeh.En: "Humor is the key to the heart," thought Luka as he walked, holding the tray high above his head, with a smile spreading across his lips.Hr: Ana je podigla pogled, osjećajući kako netko prilazi.En: Ana looked up, sensing someone approaching.Hr: U tom trenutku, nekoliko uličnih umjetnika počelo je izvoditi svoju predstavu u blizini, privlačeći Lukine poglede.En: At that moment, a few street artists began their performance nearby, catching Luka's attention.Hr: Korak mu je zastao, a zatim.En: He paused, and then...Hr: "Opa!En: "Oops!"Hr: " Luka se spotaknuo o stolicu uzviknuvši kao da je to dio predstave.En: Luka stumbled over a chair, exclaiming as if it were part of the performance.Hr: Pladanj i peciva su poletjeli iz njegovih ruku, kao jato ptica uznemirenih vjetrom, direktno na Anu.En: The tray and pastries flew from his hands, like a flock of birds disturbed by the wind, directly toward Ana.Hr: Prhki kolačići usidrili su se u Aninoj kosi, a marmelada i čokolada obilježili su njeno lice i majicu.En: The flaky cookies landed in Ana's hair, and the jam and chocolate marked her face and shirt.Hr: Ana je zanijemila od šoka, a Lukino lice je od crvenoga prešlo u nijanse bijelo-plave, boje nebeskog svoda.En: Ana was speechless from shock, and Luka's face turned from red to shades of pale blue, like the sky.Hr: Kafić se ispunio tihim uzdahom, a zatim smijehom gostiju koji su svjedočili sceni.En: The café filled with a quiet gasp, followed by the laughter of the guests who witnessed the scene.Hr: Luka se brzo sagnuo, uzimajući peciva sa Anine majice, izgovarajući "Oprosti" više puta nego što se uspješno dosegne vrh planine.En: Quickly bending down, Luka removed the pastries from Ana's shirt, apologizing more times than successfully reaching the top of a mountain.Hr: Ana, iako iznenađena, nije mogla...