Rediscovering Roots: A Christmas Journey Through Split
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Rediscovering Roots: A Christmas Journey Through Split Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U hladnoj zimskoj noći, svjetla božićnih ukrasa blistala su s prozora dućana.En: On a cold winter night, the lights of the Christmas decorations sparkled from the shop windows.Hr: Trg Peristil vrvio je ljudima.En: Trg Peristil was bustling with people.Hr: Cathedral of St. Domnius, veličanstvena i stara, stajala je u srcu Splita.En: The Cathedral of St. Domnius, magnificent and old, stood in the heart of Split.Hr: Matej je prvi put od djetinjstva hodao tim ulicama, tražeći svoje korijene.En: Matej was walking those streets for the first time since childhood, searching for his roots.Hr: Matej, mladić u kasnim dvadesetima, osjećao je nostalgiju.En: Matej, a young man in his late twenties, felt nostalgic.Hr: Godinama je živio u inozemstvu, ali sada, povratak u domovinu na Božić, imao je posebno značenje.En: He had lived abroad for years, but now, returning to his homeland for Christmas, had a special meaning.Hr: Dodirnuvši hladni kamen katedrale, osjetio je povezanost s prošlošću.En: Touching the cold stone of the cathedral, he felt a connection to the past.Hr: No, sve mu se činilo strano.En: Yet everything seemed foreign to him.Hr: Ljudi, jezik, običaji.En: The people, the language, the customs.Hr: Bilo je kao san koji je jedva pamtio.En: It was like a dream he barely remembered.Hr: Ivana je pažljivo promatrala Mateja dok ga je vodila kroz uske ulice.En: Ivana watched Matej carefully as she guided him through the narrow streets.Hr: Kao lokalna vodičica, voljela je Split i njegovu povijest.En: As a local guide, she loved Split and its history.Hr: Imala je sreće raditi posao koji je voljela.En: She was lucky to do a job she loved.Hr: No, susret s Matejem bio je drugačiji.En: But the encounter with Matej was different.Hr: Vidjela je njegovu zbunjenost.En: She saw his confusion.Hr: Voljela bi da mu može pokazati sva čuda svog grada, ali znala je da mu to znači nešto više.En: She wished she could show him all the wonders of her city, but she knew it meant something more to him.Hr: Ivana je odlučila: "Matej, ispričat ću ti priču koju turisti rijetko čuju."En: Ivana decided: "Matej, I'll tell you a story that tourists rarely hear."Hr: Oči mu se raširiše, zanimanje probuđeno.En: His eyes widened, interest awakened.Hr: "Prije mnogo godina, na ovom trgu, ljudi su se okupljali u tišini da šaptom podijele vijesti.En: "Many years ago, in this square, people would gather in silence to share news in whispers.Hr: Tako su održavali tradiciju u teškim vremenima," reče Ivana s osmijehom.En: That's how they maintained tradition in tough times," Ivana said with a smile.Hr: Matej nasluti dubinu te jednostavne priče.En: Matej sensed the depth of that simple story.Hr: Iako je sve bilo novo, osjetio je toplinu i pripadnost.En: Although everything was new, he felt warmth and belonging.Hr: Dok su hodali prema katedrali, Matej podigne obrvu.En: As they walked towards the cathedral, Matej raised an eyebrow.Hr: "Ivana, što tebe veže uz Split?" upita.En: "Ivana, what ties you to Split?" he asked.Hr: "Obitelj, tradicija... i priče," odgovorila je zamišljeno.En: "Family, tradition... and stories," she replied thoughtfully.Hr: "Istražujem...