Rekindling Sibling Ties Amidst Autumn's Embrace
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Rekindling Sibling Ties Amidst Autumn's Embrace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stajala na rubu staze, gledajući preko sjajnih jezera koja su blistala u jarkim bojama jeseni.En: Ivana stood at the edge of the path, gazing over the shimmering lakes that glittered in the bright colors of autumn.Hr: Vjetar je nježno prolazio kroz drveće, šapćući tajne prirode.En: The wind gently passed through the trees, whispering the secrets of nature.Hr: Plitvička jezera bila su savršeno mjesto za obiteljski susret.En: Plitvička jezera was the perfect place for a family reunion.Hr: Međutim, Ivana nije mogla zanemariti napetost koju je osjećala.En: However, Ivana couldn't ignore the tension she felt.Hr: Luka, njen mlađi brat, stajao je nekoliko metara dalje, tiho promatrajući vodu.En: Luka, her younger brother, stood a few meters away, quietly watching the water.Hr: Oduvijek su bili bliski, no posljednjih nekoliko godina udaljili su se zbog različitih životnih izbora.En: They had always been close, but in the past few years, they had drifted apart due to different life choices.Hr: Ivana, fotografkinja, uvijek je težila slobodi i zabilježavanju trenutaka ljepote.En: Ivana, a photographer, always aspired to freedom and capturing moments of beauty.Hr: Luka, znanstvenik, bio je usmjeren i logičan, više zainteresiran za očuvanje okoliša nego za hvatanje njegove slike.En: Luka, a scientist, was focused and logical, more interested in preserving the environment than capturing its image.Hr: "Prekrasno je ovdje, zar ne?" Ivana je konačno prekinula tišinu.En: "It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Ivana finally broke the silence.Hr: Luka se okrenuo prema njoj, s blagim osmijehom na licu.En: Luka turned to her, with a slight smile on his face.Hr: "Da, uvijek me iznenadi kako priroda može biti impresivna," odgovorio je.En: "Yes, it always surprises me how impressive nature can be," he replied.Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula, skupljajući hrabrost.En: Ivana took a deep breath, gathering courage.Hr: "Luka, možemo li razgovarati? O... svemu što se dogodilo."En: "Luka, can we talk? About... everything that happened."Hr: Luka je pogleda, a u njegovim očima vidjela je onu istu bratsku toplinu kakvu je uvijek znala.En: Luka looked at her, and in his eyes, she saw the same brotherly warmth she had always known.Hr: "Naravno, Ivana. I ja sam želio razgovarati."En: "Of course, Ivana. I wanted to talk too."Hr: Hodali su zajedno, koraci usklađeni sa šumom oko njih.En: They walked together, their steps synchronized with the forest around them.Hr: Ivana je počela pričati o prošlim nesuglasicama, o tome kako su različiti putevi stvorili zid između njih.En: Ivana began talking about past disagreements, about how different paths had created a wall between them.Hr: Luka je strpljivo slušao, brinući se o svakom njenom izgovorenom slovu.En: Luka listened patiently, caring about every word she said.Hr: "Razumijem tvoje osjećaje, Ivana," rekao je konačno.En: "I understand your feelings, Ivana," he finally said.Hr: "I ja sam napravio neke odluke. Planiram preseliti se u inozemstvo.En: "I've made some decisions too. I'm planning to move abroad.Hr: Imam priliku raditi na važnom projektu očuvanja prirode."En: I have an opportunity to work on an important nature conservation project."Hr:...