Restoring Roots: A Sibling Journey in Dubrovnik

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Restoring Roots: A Sibling Journey in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je visoko na nebu, obasjavajući plave vode Jadranskog mora.En: The sun is high in the sky, illuminating the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea.Hr: Marina i Luka hodaju uz obalu Dubrovnika.En: Marina and Luka walk along the coast of Dubrovnik.Hr: Vjetar im nosi miris soli i divljih cvjetova.En: The wind carries the scent of salt and wildflowers.Hr: Duboko dišu.En: They take deep breaths.Hr: "Marina, pogledaj ove kamene zidove.En: "Marina, look at these stone walls.Hr: Sjećaš li se kad smo bili mali?En: Do you remember when we were little?"Hr: ", pita Luka, zastajući ispred stare obiteljske kuće.En: Luka asks, stopping in front of the old family house.Hr: "Da, Luka, sjećam se", odgovara Marina, ali njezin glas je ozbiljan.En: "Yes, Luka, I remember," Marina replies, but her voice is serious.Hr: "Ali sada moramo biti praktični.En: "But now we have to be practical.Hr: Imamo puno posla.En: We have a lot of work."Hr: "Marina je uvijek bila odgovorna sestra.En: Marina has always been the responsible sister.Hr: Uvijek je sve držala pod kontrolom.En: She always kept everything under control.Hr: Luka, s druge strane, žudi za avanturom.En: Luka, on the other hand, yearns for adventure.Hr: Voli istraživanje i uspomene.En: He loves exploration and memories.Hr: "Ne možemo samo prodati ovu kuću.En: "We can't just sell this house.Hr: Ovo je dom", kaže Luka, očima punim strasti.En: This is home," says Luka, his eyes full of passion.Hr: "Naša baka je ovdje živjela cijeli svoj život.En: "Our grandmother lived here her entire life."Hr: ""Razumijem, Luka, ali moramo misliti na budućnost.En: "I understand, Luka, but we have to think about the future.Hr: Imam obaveze kod kuće.En: I have obligations at home.Hr: Moram brzo riješiti ovo.En: We need to resolve this quickly."Hr: "Dubrovnik blista pod ljetnim suncem.En: Dubrovnik glistens under the summer sun.Hr: Kamene uličice i povijesna arhitektura pričaju priče stare stoljećima.En: The stone streets and historical architecture tell stories centuries old.Hr: Kuća kojoj prilaze stoji na litici, gledajući na mirno more.En: The house they approach stands on a cliff, overlooking the calm sea.Hr: Zidovi kuće prekriveni su bougainvilleama koje cvjetaju u jarkoj ružičastoj boji.En: The walls of the house are covered in bougainvillea blooming in vibrant pink.Hr: Kad uđu u kuću, nalaze prašnjave sobe i stare namještaje.En: When they enter the house, they find dusty rooms and old furniture.Hr: U kutu je stara škrinja.En: In the corner, there's an old chest.Hr: Luka ju otvara i pronađe bakin stari dnevnik.En: Luka opens it and finds their grandmother's old diary.Hr: "Marina, pogledaj ovo", kaže Luka, listajući stranice.En: "Marina, look at this," Luka says, flipping through the pages.Hr: "Tu su njezine priče, njezina sjećanja.En: "Here are her stories, her memories."Hr: "Marina uzima dnevnik i počinje čitati.En: Marina takes the diary and begins to read.Hr: Baka piše o ljetima provedenim na ovoj obali, o djeci koja su se igrala u vrtu, o ljubavi prema ovom mjestu.En: The...