Reuniting at Sunset: A Family's Return to Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Reuniting at Sunset: A Family's Return to Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Blještavo sunce polagano se spuštalo nad Dubrovnikom.En: The dazzling sun was slowly setting over Dubrovnik.Hr: Stari grad je bio prepun ljudi.En: The old town was filled with people.Hr: Zastave su lepršale, zrakom je mirisalo more.En: Flags were fluttering, and the air smelled of the sea.Hr: Bio je blagdan svetog Blaža.En: It was the feast day of Saint Blaise.Hr: Ivana je stajala ispred gradske vijećnice.En: Ivana was standing in front of the town hall.Hr: Imala je dugu crnu kosu i plave oči.En: She had long black hair and blue eyes.Hr: Bila je uzbuđena jer će danas vidjeti svoju obitelj.En: She was excited because today she would see her family.Hr: Marko, njezin brat, i Petra, njihova rođakinja, dolaze.En: Marko, her brother, and Petra, their cousin, were coming.Hr: "Marko!En: "Marko!Hr: Petra!En: Petra!"Hr: " viknula je Ivana kad ih je ugledala.En: Ivana shouted when she saw them.Hr: Marko je nosio veliki ruksak, a Petra je imala crvenu haljinu.En: Marko was carrying a large backpack, and Petra was wearing a red dress.Hr: Oboje su se smješkali.En: They were both smiling.Hr: "Ivana, tako mi je drago da te vidim!En: "Ivana, I’m so glad to see you!"Hr: " rekao je Marko i zagrlio sestru.En: Marko said and hugged his sister.Hr: "Kako je prošlo putovanje?En: "How was the trip?"Hr: " pitala je Ivana.En: Ivana asked.Hr: "Odlično.En: "Great.Hr: Vlak nije kasnio," odgovorila je Petra.En: The train wasn’t late," Petra replied.Hr: Zajedno su krenuli prema Stradunu.En: They headed toward Stradun together.Hr: Tu su bile štandovi s rukotvorinama, suvenirom i hranom.En: There were stalls with handicrafts, souvenirs, and food.Hr: Svuda su bili ljudi.En: People were everywhere.Hr: "Sjećam se kad smo kao djeca dolazili ovdje," prisjećala se Ivana.En: "I remember when we used to come here as children," Ivana recalled.Hr: "Da, jeli smo sladoled i vođeni smo djedovom rukom," dodao je Marko.En: "Yes, we ate ice cream and were led by grandpa’s hand," Marko added.Hr: "Želim pojesti kolač od rogača," rekla je Petra.En: "I want to eat a carob cake," Petra said.Hr: Stali su kod jednog štanda i kupili kolač.En: They stopped at a stall and bought the cake.Hr: Petra je uživala u svakom zalogaju.En: Petra enjoyed every bite.Hr: Prolazili su kroz grad i gledali ulicama svečanu povorku.En: They walked through the town and watched the festive parade on the streets.Hr: Bile su glazbene skupine, plesači i ljudi u narodnim nošnjama.En: There were musical groups, dancers, and people in traditional costumes.Hr: "Ivana, jesi li vidjela onaj stari dvorac?En: "Ivana, did you see that old castle?Hr: Tamo smo se uvijek igrali," rekao je Marko.En: We always used to play there," Marko said.Hr: "Igrali smo skrivača," nasmijala se Ivana.En: "We played hide and seek," Ivana laughed.Hr: Došli su do starog dvorca.En: They arrived at the old castle.Hr: Sjetili su se koliko su voljeli ta mjesta.En: They remembered how much they loved those places.Hr: Svi su sjedili...