Reviving Bonds: Family's Magical Day at Plitvice Lakes
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Reviving Bonds: Family's Magical Day at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je osvanulo nad Plitvičkim jezerima.En: The sun rose over Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Ivana je gledala kroz prozor dok su Mateo i Ana pakirali kola.En: Ivana watched through the window while Mateo and Ana packed the car.Hr: Bili su uzbuđeni zbog današnjeg izleta.En: They were excited about today's trip.Hr: Ovo je bio njihov prvi obiteljski put nakon dugo vremena.En: This was their first family outing in a long time.Hr: Cesta je bila duga, ali prelijepa.En: The road was long but beautiful.Hr: Vozeći se kroz zelene šume, svi su osjećali mir.En: Driving through the green forests, everyone felt at peace.Hr: Ivana je voljela promatrati drveće.En: Ivana loved watching the trees.Hr: Mateo je pažljivo vozio, dok je Ana pjevušila pjesmu na radiju.En: Mateo drove carefully, while Ana hummed along to a song on the radio.Hr: Kad su stigli, parkirali su kod glavnog ulaza.En: When they arrived, they parked near the main entrance.Hr: Bilo je mnogo turista.En: There were many tourists.Hr: Ivana je imala kartu i vodila grupu.En: Ivana had a map and led the group.Hr: Prva stanica bila je Veliki slap.En: Their first stop was the Great Waterfall.Hr: Mlaz vode padao je sa visine i stvarao prekrasan prizor.En: The stream of water fell from a height, creating a stunning scene.Hr: Mateo je fotografirao i smješkao se.En: Mateo took photos and smiled.Hr: Ana je hodala pored vode, bacala kamenčiće.En: Ana walked by the water, skipping pebbles.Hr: Nakon slapa, krenuli su prema jezerima.En: After the waterfall, they headed towards the lakes.Hr: Šetali su drvenim stazama.En: They walked along wooden paths.Hr: Voda je bila bistra, ptice su pjevale.En: The water was clear, and the birds were singing.Hr: Ivana i Ana su razgovarale o prošlim putovanjima.En: Ivana and Ana talked about past trips.Hr: Sjećale su se smiješnih priča i dogodovština.En: They remembered funny stories and adventures.Hr: Mateo ih je slušao i smijao se skupa s njima.En: Mateo listened and laughed along with them.Hr: Zaustavili su se kod jednog jezera. Tu su ručali.En: They stopped by one of the lakes to have lunch.Hr: Mateo je donio sendviče.En: Mateo brought sandwiches.Hr: Ivana je pripremila voćne grickalice.En: Ivana prepared some fruit snacks.Hr: Sjedili su i uživali u prirodi.En: They sat and enjoyed the nature.Hr: Nasmijali su se kad se mala vjeverica približila, tražeći hranu.En: They laughed when a small squirrel approached, looking for food.Hr: Poslijepodne su otišli do Vidikovca.En: In the afternoon, they went to the lookout point.Hr: Pogled s vrha bio je zapanjujući.En: The view from the top was breathtaking.Hr: Ivana je rekla: "Pogledajte kako je lijepo. Ovdje se osjećam kao da smo opet bliži."En: Ivana said, "Look how beautiful it is. I feel like we are closer again."Hr: Mateo je klimnuo glavom. "Ovaj park nas podsjeća koliko smo sretni."En: Mateo nodded. "This park reminds us of how lucky we are."Hr: Ana je dodala: "I koliko moramo biti zajedno. Priroda nas uči tome."En: Ana added, "And how important it is to stay...