Salty Sips Spark Bakery Giggles!

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Salty Sips Spark Bakery Giggles! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U malom gradiću, okruženom zelenim brežuljcima, stajala je pekarnica koja je mirisala na svježi kruh i peciva.En: In a small town, surrounded by green hills, there stood a bakery that smelled of fresh bread and pastries.Hr: Svako jutro, ljudi bi dolazili po svoje omiljene delicije, uživajući u toplom ambijentu i prijateljskim razgovorima s vlasnikom pekarnice, Ivanom.En: Every morning, people would come for their favorite treats, enjoying the warm atmosphere and friendly conversations with the bakery's owner, Ivan.Hr: Upravo su takvi razgovori i mirisi privukli Anu i Petra koji su redovito započinjali svoj dan u pekarnici svog prijatelja.En: It was these conversations and scents that attracted Ana and Petar, who regularly started their day at their friend's bakery.Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivan je bio posebno zaposlen pripremajući narudžbe za vikend.En: One sunny morning, Ivan was particularly busy preparing orders for the weekend.Hr: Ana i Petar su sjedili za drvenim stolom kraj prozora, gledajući kako Ivan vješto mijesi tijesto.En: Ana and Petar sat at a wooden table by the window, watching Ivan skillfully knead the dough.Hr: Razgovarali su o svakodnevnim događajima, povremeno baceći šale na Ivanov račun, koji bi im uz smijeh odgovarao bez da podigne pogled s tijesta.En: They chatted about everyday events, occasionally joking about Ivan, who would laugh and respond without lifting his gaze from the dough.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena, Ivan je zaključio da zaslužuje pauzu i odlučio se pridružiti svojim prijateljima.En: After some time, Ivan decided he deserved a break and joined his friends.Hr: Napravio si je šalicu jutarnje kave, posebno se radujući tom malom ritualu.En: He made himself a cup of morning coffee, looking forward to this small ritual.Hr: No, umoran od ranog ustajanja i fokusiran na razgovor, nije primijetio da je umjesto šećera u svoju kavu stavio sol.En: However, tired from getting up early and focused on the conversation, he didn't notice that instead of sugar, he had put salt in his coffee.Hr: Visoka kuharska kapa pomaknula mu je pogled dok je dodavao "šećer" u kavu, nesvjestan svoje greške.En: His tall chef's hat obstructed his view as he added the "sugar" to the coffee, unaware of his mistake.Hr: Sjeo je za stol s Anom i Petrom i s veseljem pružio šalicu prema ustima.En: He sat down with Ana and Petar and eagerly brought the cup to his lips.Hr: Ana je upravo započinjala ispričati neki smiješan događaj, kada je Ivan uzeo veliki gutljaj kave.En: Ana was just about to start telling a funny story when Ivan took a big sip of the coffee.Hr: Njegovo lice odmah se iskrivilo u komičnom izrazu zbunjenosti i iznenađenja, oči su mu se raširile a gusti brkovi mu se sklupčali od nehajne grimase.En: His face immediately twisted in a comical expression of confusion and surprise, his eyes widened, and his thick mustache curled from the inadvertent grimace.Hr: Ana i Petar, primijetivši Ivanovu zabunu, nisu mogli zadržati smijeh.En: Noticing Ivan's mistake, Ana and Petar couldn't hold back their laughter.Hr: Počeli su se smijati tako glasno da su se glave okrenule i drugi posjetitelji pekarnice počeli zanimati za izvor te radosti.En: They started laughing so loudly that the heads of other bakery visitors turned to find the source of such joy.Hr: Ivan je brzo shvatio svoju grešku i pridružio se smijehu, mada...