Scoops of Laughter: A Dubrovnik Misadventure

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Scoops of Laughter: A Dubrovnik Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Bilo je to toplo popodne u starom gradu Dubrovniku, a sunce je blistalo zlatnim sjajem nad kamenim ulicama.En: It was a warm afternoon in the old city of Dubrovnik, and the sun shone with a golden glow over the cobblestone streets.Hr: Luka, Ana i Ivan prošetali su uskim prolazima, diveći se starim zidinama i veselim turistima.En: Luka, Ana, and Ivan strolled through the narrow alleys, admiring the old walls and cheerful tourists.Hr: Luka, uvijek spreman za šalu i smijeh, šetao je ispred Ane i Ivana, doskakujući kao nestašan dječak.En: Luka, always ready for a joke and a laugh, walked ahead of Ana and Ivan, skipping around like a mischievous boy.Hr: Ana, pametna i strpljiva, smijala se njegovim šalama, dok je Ivan, tihi i oprezni, koračao pored nje, držeći dvije kornete sa sladoledom.En: Ana, wise and patient, laughed at his jokes, while Ivan, quiet and cautious, walked beside her, holding two ice cream cones.Hr: Jedan je bio čokoladni za Anu, a drugi vanilija za njega.En: One was chocolate for Ana, and the other vanilla for him.Hr: "Ana, evo tvog sladoleda!En: "Ana, here's your ice cream!"Hr: " uzviknuo je Ivan, no Luka se okrenuo brže od vjetra, misleći da se Ivan obraća njemu.En: Ivan exclaimed, but Luka turned around faster than the wind, thinking Ivan was talking to him.Hr: Bez razmišljanja, Luka je dohvatio Ivanovu kornetu i pokušao ugristi mekanu vaniliju.En: Without thinking, Luka grabbed Ivan's cone and tried to take a bite of the soft vanilla.Hr: Ivanov iznenađen pogled bio je dovoljan da Luka shvati svoju pogrešku, te je iz šoka izpljunuo sladoled, koji je pao na vrući kameni tlakac.En: Ivan's surprised look was enough for Luka to realize his mistake, and in shock, he spat out the ice cream, which fell on the hot stone pavement.Hr: "Nije to tvoj sladoled, Luka!En: "That's not your ice cream, Luka!"Hr: " Ana je gotovo pala od smijeha, gledajući Lukino iznenađeno lice.En: Ana almost fell over laughing, watching Lukas's surprised face.Hr: Luka je zbunjeno pogledao Ivana, koji mu nije znao zamjeriti.En: Confused, Luka looked at Ivan, who didn't hold it against him.Hr: "Nema veze, Luka.En: "It's okay, Luka.Hr: Poslastica je na mene.En: The treat's on me.Hr: Hajdemo kupiti još jedan!En: Let's go buy another one!"Hr: " rekao je Ivan, vodeći prijatelje natrag do slastičarne.En: Ivan said, leading his friends back to the ice cream parlor.Hr: Tako su se njih troje, smijući se i čavrljajući, vratili do prodavača sladoleda.En: So the three of them, laughing and chatting, returned to the ice cream seller.Hr: Prodavač, naslonjen na šareni frižider sa sladoledom, samo se nasmiješio kada su mu ispričali šaljivu zgodbu.En: The seller, leaning against the colorful ice cream freezer, just smiled as they told him the funny story.Hr: "Za takvu nezgodu čašćavam vas s jednim sladoledom," reče on, pružajući Lukasu kuglu omiljene mu pistacije.En: "For such a mishap, I'll treat you to one ice cream," he said, offering Luka a scoop of his favorite pistachio flavor.Hr: S trostrukim sladoledima u rukama, Luka, Ana i Ivan sada su laganim korakom nastavili razgledavati dućane s rukotvorinama i suvenirima.En: With triple ice creams in hand, Luka, Ana, and Ivan now continued to explore the shops with handmade...