Sea's Secrets at Split's Shore

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sea's Secrets at Split's Shore Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog dana, Ivana je šetala starim kamenim ulicama Splita u potrazi za avanturom.En: On a sunny day, Ivana walked the old stone streets of Split in search of adventure.Hr: Splićani su žurili oko nje, svatko sa svojim ciljem, ali Ivana je imala jedan jednostavan - pronaći savršeno mjesto za ručak.En: The locals hurried around her, each with their own goal, but Ivana had a simple one - to find the perfect place for lunch.Hr: Nakon sati istraživanja grada, njena želja za morem dovela ju je do malog restorana udaljenog od turističke vreve.En: After hours of exploring the city, her longing for the sea led her to a small restaurant away from the tourist hustle and bustle.Hr: S njenim osnovnim znanjem hrvatskog jezika, Ivana je bila uzbuđena da pokuša naručiti pravi dalmatinski specijalitet.En: With her basic knowledge of the Croatian language, Ivana was excited to try ordering an authentic Dalmatian specialty.Hr: Ulazeći u restoran, osjetila je mješavinu mirisa češnjaka, svježih začina i, naravno, mora.En: Entering the restaurant, she felt a mixture of scents of garlic, fresh herbs, and, of course, the sea.Hr: Konobar, bronzanog tena, s osmijehom je pristupio i ponudio joj stol pokraj prozora s pogledom na šarenu luku.En: The waiter, with a bronzed complexion, approached her with a smile and offered her a table by the window overlooking the colorful harbor.Hr: "Dobar dan, mogu li vidjeti jelovnik, molim vas?En: "Good day, may I see the menu, please?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana, ponosna što koristi hrvatski jezik.En: Ivana asked, proud to use the Croatian language.Hr: Konobar joj je pružio jelovnik, a oči su joj bile širom otvorene od uzbuđenja.En: The waiter handed her the menu, and her eyes widened with excitement.Hr: Listajući jelovnik, Ivana je prepoznala riječi poput 'škampi', 'dagnje' i 'brancin', ali bila je željna isprobati nešto novo i drugačije.En: As she flipped through the menu, Ivana recognized words like 'shrimp', 'mussels', and 'sea bass', but she was eager to try something new and different.Hr: Uspijevši izreći kompliciranu rečenicu, rekla je: "Želim nešto posebno, što bi mi preporučili?En: Managing to utter a complicated sentence, she said, "I want something special, what would you recommend for me?"Hr: "Konobar je, s bljeskom u oku, rekao: "Ah, imamo specijalitet dana, 'Morska iznenađenja'.En: With a twinkle in his eye, the waiter said, "Ah, we have the daily specialty, 'Sea Surprises'.Hr: To će biti savršeno za vas!En: It will be perfect for you!"Hr: "Uzbuđena Ivana klimnula je i s nestrpljenjem čekala što će joj more poslužiti.En: Excited, Ivana nodded and eagerly awaited what the sea would serve her.Hr: Šuštanje maslinovog lista na povjetarcu bilo je jedini zvuk dok je čekala svoje jelo.En: The rustling of an olive leaf in the breeze was the only sound as she waited for her meal.Hr: I tada se dogodilo.En: And then it happened.Hr: Konobar je donio veliku posudu s poklopcem i sa smješkom rekao: "Pa, dobar tek!En: The waiter brought a large dish with a lid and said with a smile, "Well, enjoy your meal!"Hr: " Kada je podigao poklopac, Ivana je bila iznenađena.En: When he lifted the lid, Ivana was surprised.Hr: Unutraileggy_routeEn: Inside... it was an eggplant route. Vocabulary Words:streets:...