Seaside Smiles and Seagull Selfies
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Seaside Smiles and Seagull Selfies Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U drevnom gradu Dubrovniku, sunce je sjalo i svjetlucalo na kamenim ulicama Starog grada kao da pleše.En: In the ancient city of Dubrovnik, the sun shone and sparkled on the stone streets of the Old Town as if it were dancing.Hr: Matea, Ivan i Ana odlučili su posjetiti to čarobno mjesto, prepuno priča i povijesti.En: Matea, Ivan, and Ana had decided to visit this magical place, full of stories and history.Hr: Matea je bila posebno uzbuđena jer je voljela ptice, a Dubrovnik je bio poznat po svojim smješnim galebima koji su se često pridruživali turistima u njihovim aktivnostima.En: Matea was especially excited because she loved birds, and Dubrovnik was known for its cheeky seagulls that often joined tourists in their activities.Hr: Hodajući starim zidinama, pokušala je uhvatiti savršen selfie s galebom koji je sletio na obližnji kamen.En: Walking on the old city walls, she tried to capture the perfect selfie with a seagull that landed on a nearby rock.Hr: "Ana, Ivan, pogledajte!En: "Ana, Ivan, look!"Hr: " uzviknula je Matea dok je podigla svoj sladoled u jednu ruku, a telefon u drugu, pokušavajući napraviti najbolju fotografiju.En: Matea exclaimed as she lifted her ice cream in one hand and her phone in the other, trying to take the best picture.Hr: Ana je smijala promatrajući njezinu ravnotežu i fokus, dok je Ivan bio zauzet gledajući prelijepu panoramu grada, ne znajući što će uslijediti.En: Ana laughed while watching her balance and focus, while Ivan was engrossed in admiring the beautiful city panorama, unaware of what was about to happen.Hr: U trenutku kad je Matea pritisnula tipku za snimanje, galeb je brzo mahnitao krilima.En: At the moment Matea pressed the capture button, the seagull flapped its wings frantically.Hr: Njezin je sladoled poletio iz ruke, pravo prema Ivanovoj glavi.En: Her ice cream flew out of her hand, straight towards Ivan's head.Hr: "Auuu!En: "Ouch!"Hr: " uskliknuo je Ivan kad je hladna sladoledna kuglica sletjela na vrh njegove glave.En: exclaimed Ivan as the cold ice cream ball landed on the top of his head.Hr: Sladoled se počeo topiti, kapajući niz njegovo lice i majicu.En: The ice cream started to melt, dripping down his face and shirt.Hr: Ana nije mogla prestati smijati se dok je gledala scene prave komedije ispred sebe.En: Ana couldn't stop laughing as she witnessed the scene of true comedy before her.Hr: Matea je bila zapanjena, ali brzo je skočila da pomogne Ivanu, tražeći salvetu.En: Matea was stunned, but quickly jumped to help Ivan, looking for a napkin.Hr: "Oprosti, Ivan!En: "Sorry, Ivan!Hr: Nisam htjela!En: I didn't mean to!"Hr: " rekla je Matea, dok je pokušavala obrisati sladoled s Ivanove kose.En: said Matea as she tried to wipe the ice cream off Ivan's hair.Hr: Ivan, sada s osmijehom na licu, rekao je: "Pa, bar mi je glava sad osvježena!En: Ivan, now smiling, said, "Well, at least my head is refreshed now!Hr: Ali sljedeći put ciljaj galeba, a ne mene, molim te!En: But next time, aim for the seagull, not me, please!"Hr: "Zajedno su se smijali i odlučili kupiti novi sladoled - ovaj put za Ivana.En: They laughed together and decided to buy a new ice cream – this time for Ivan.Hr: Male nezgode pretvorile su se u prelijepu uspomenu koju će zasigurno dugo pamtiti.