Secrets of Dubrovnik: A Quest to Save the City's Heritage

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Secrets of Dubrovnik: A Quest to Save the City's Heritage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik, grad sa dušom prošlosti, bio je miran u jesenjim bojama.En: Dubrovnik, a city with the soul of the past, was serene in the autumn colors.Hr: Stare gradske zidine čuvale su tajne i prošlost kakvu su malo koje oči vidjele.En: The old city walls held secrets and a history that few eyes had seen.Hr: Zrakom se širila aroma morske soli i svježeg lišća.En: The air carried an aroma of sea salt and fresh foliage.Hr: Ana je žurila kroz uske ulice.En: Ana rushed through the narrow streets.Hr: Njezino srce je tuklo.En: Her heart was pounding.Hr: Artefakt iz muzeja je ukraden.En: An artifact from the museum had been stolen.Hr: Obećala je svom preminulom mentoru da će čuvati nasljeđe grada.En: She had promised her late mentor that she would protect the city's heritage.Hr: Morala je vratiti ukradenu stvar.En: She had to recover the stolen item.Hr: Tog dana, pred Dan Svih Svetih, grad je pripremao slavlje.En: That day, on the eve of All Saints' Day, the city was preparing for a celebration.Hr: Tržnice su bile pune svijeća i cvijeća.En: Markets were filled with candles and flowers.Hr: Zujanje ljudi stvaralo je tihu melodiju.En: The buzzing of people created a quiet melody.Hr: Ana je znala da treba pomoć.En: Ana knew she needed help.Hr: Luka, lokalni vodič, čovjek sa sumnjivom prošlošću, bio je jedina nada.En: Luka, a local guide with a dubious past, was her only hope.Hr: Luka je poznavao Dubrovnik kao svoj džep.En: Luka knew Dubrovnik like the back of his hand.Hr: Ulazila je u kafić gdje će ga pronaći.En: She entered the café where she would find him.Hr: Okorjela, ali odlučna, sjela je nasuprot njega.En: Hardened, yet determined, she sat across from him.Hr: "Hvala što si došao," rekla je Ana glasno.En: "Thank you for coming," Ana said loudly.Hr: Luka je klimnuo glavom, razmjenjujući ozbiljan pogled.En: Luka nodded, exchanging a serious glance.Hr: "Znam mjesto gdje možemo početi," rekao je tiho.En: "I know a place where we can start," he said quietly.Hr: Ana je osjetila mješavinu sigurnosti i sumnje.En: Ana felt a mix of security and doubt.Hr: Zajedno su pratili naznake kroz stare uličice.En: Together they traced clues through the ancient alleys.Hr: Miris svježe pečenog kruha i kave bio je postojan oko njih.En: The smell of freshly baked bread and coffee lingered around them.Hr: Svaka nova ulica skrivala je novi trag.En: Each new street concealed a new lead.Hr: Vukli su se kroz prolaz blizu Gradske vijećnice, gdje su olovne ploče činile pod.En: They made their way through a passage near the City Hall, where the lead plates formed the ground.Hr: "Ovdje," pokazao je Luka.En: "Here," Luka pointed.Hr: Ruka mu je bila čvrsta, a pogled usmjeren.En: His hand was steady, and his gaze focused.Hr: Konačno, stigli su do starih zidina.En: Finally, they reached the old walls.Hr: Zvuk crkvenih zvona odjekivao je kroz otvoreno more.En: The sound of church bells echoed across the open sea.Hr: Našli su se licem u lice s lopovom.En: They found themselves face to face with the thief.Hr: Njegovi su koraci bili tihi, ali Ana i Luka su ga pratili brzo i...