Selfie Snafu: The Dubrovnik Dive
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Selfie Snafu: The Dubrovnik Dive Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce se smiješilo nad krovovima Dubrovnika, bojeći zidine u zlatno.En: The sun smiled over the rooftops of Dubrovnik, painting the walls golden.Hr: Ivan i Ana, najbolji prijatelji od malih nogu, odlučili su provesti dan istražujući gradić prepun povijesti.En: Ivan and Ana, best friends since childhood, decided to spend the day exploring the town full of history.Hr: S njima je bio i Marko, Ivanov daleki rođak, koji je prvi puta posjetio ovaj prekrasni grad.En: Marko, Ivan's distant cousin who was visiting this beautiful city for the first time, was with them.Hr: Vidi ove predivne zidine," uzviknuo je Marko, vadeći mobitel iz džepa. "Moram ovo uslikati za uspomenu!"En: Look at these beautiful walls," exclaimed Marko, taking out his phone from his pocket. "I have to capture this for a keepsake!"Hr: Ivan i Ana su se smiješili, sretni što mogu pokazati Marku lepote svog grada.En: Ivan and Ana smiled, happy to show Marko the beauty of their city.Hr: Hodali su uz uske kamene ulice, penjali se uz stepenice koje kao da su vodile do neba, a onda došli do visokih gradskih zidina.En: They walked along narrow stone streets, climbed stairs that seemed to reach the sky, and then arrived at the high city walls.Hr: Pučina je bila ispod njih, plava kao safir, igrajući se valovima na suncu.En: The sea lay beneath them, blue as sapphire, playing with the waves in the sun.Hr: Ideš prvi, Marko," rekao je Ivan, pokazujući prema zidinama.En: You go first, Marko," said Ivan, pointing to the walls.Hr: Marko je skakutao uz zidine, ne mareći za visinu.En: Marko hopped along the walls, disregarding the height.Hr: Odjednom, izvadio je mobitel odlučan uhvatiti savršeni selfie.En: Suddenly, he pulled out his phone, determined to take the perfect selfie.Hr: Nagnuo se unatrag, tražeći najbolji kut. Ana je zastenjala, prepoznajući kobnu grešku prije nego se dogodila.En: Leaning back, searching for the best angle. Ana groaned, recognizing the fatal mistake before it happened.Hr: Marko, pazi!" viknula je Ana, ali bilo je prekasno.En: Marko, watch out!" shouted Ana, but it was too late.Hr: Markov korak je bio preširok. Izgubio je ravnotežu i, s mobitelom još uvijek u ruci, pao preko ruba zidina.En: Marko's step was too wide. He lost his balance and, still holding his phone, fell over the edge of the walls.Hr: Vrisak koji je uslijedio odjeknuo je kroz zrak dok je tijelo ošinulo hladno more.En: The scream that followed echoed through the air as his body plunged into the cold sea.Hr: Ivan i Ana su se prestravili i potrčali do mjesta gdje je Marko pao.En: Ivan and Ana were horrified and ran to the spot where Marko fell.Hr: Gledajući kroz kameni otvor zidina, ugledali su Marka kako se iznenađeno pljuska po površini vode. Bio je šokiran, ali nepovrijeđen!En: Peering through the stone opening in the walls, they saw Marko splashing in the water, looking surprised but uninjured.Hr: Jesi li dobro?" povikao je Ivan, dok su ostali turisti također počeli pristupati, zabrinuti zbog uzbudljivog događaja.En: Are you okay?" shouted Ivan, while other tourists also began to approach, concerned about the exciting event.Hr: Da, da," uzviknuo je Marko, mašući rukama. "Samo sam malo mokar!"En: Yes, yes," exclaimed Marko, waving his arms. "I'm just a little wet!"Hr: Srećom, u blizini je bio ribarski brod čiji...