Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Shared Dreams: A Journey to Self-Discovery at Aquarium Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dani su postajali kraći, a jesenje lišće prekrivalo je šetnicu prema velikom akvariju na jadranskoj obali.En: The days were getting shorter, and the autumn leaves covered the walkway leading to the large aquarium on the jadranska coast.Hr: Nina i Milan putovali su iz Zagreba cijeli dan.En: Nina and Milan traveled from Zagreb all day long.Hr: Uzbuđenje ih je tjeralo naprijed, unatoč hladnom vjetru koji je puhao.En: Excitement pushed them forward despite the cold wind blowing.Hr: Akvarij je bio poznat po šarenim ribama i rijetkim morskim vrstama.En: The aquarium was famous for its colorful fish and rare marine species.Hr: Nina, studentica morske biologije, bila je puna dvojbi.En: Nina, a marine biology student, was full of doubts.Hr: Imala je zadatak napisati diplomski rad o morskim ekosistemima, ali često se pitala zna li dovoljno.En: She had the task of writing a thesis on marine ecosystems, but she often wondered if she knew enough.Hr: Milan je, s druge strane, fotografski entuzijast.En: Milan, on the other hand, was a photography enthusiast.Hr: Njegov plan bio je snimiti savršenu fotografiju za svoju prvu izložbu.En: His plan was to capture the perfect photo for his first exhibition.Hr: Ali u sebi je osjećao pritisak da nije dovoljno dobar.En: But internally, he felt the pressure of not being good enough.Hr: Kada su stigli, vrata akvarija bila su već otvorena.En: When they arrived, the aquarium doors were already open.Hr: Unutra, prostor je bio prostran i osvijetljen plavičastim svjetlom iz ogromnih spremnika.En: Inside, the space was vast and illuminated by bluish light from the enormous tanks.Hr: Zvuk mjehurića i škljocanje fotoaparata ispunjavali su zrak.En: The sound of bubbles and camera clicks filled the air.Hr: Posjetitelji, odrasli i djeca podjednako, promatrali su kroz staklene zidove.En: Visitors, adults and children alike, observed through the glass walls.Hr: Nina se zaustavila ispred velikog spremnika s ribama škarpinama.En: Nina stopped in front of a large tank with scorpionfish.Hr: "Pogledaj, Milan," rekla je, "njihove bodlje kriju otrov.En: "Look, Milan," she said, "their spines hide venom."Hr: " No dok je govorila, njen glas je drhtao, što ju je iznenadilo.En: But as she spoke, her voice trembled, which surprised her.Hr: Ubrzo se pridružio i stručnjak za morsku biologiju koji je gostovao tog dana.En: Soon, a marine biology expert who was a guest that day joined them.Hr: Ljubazno joj je ponudio savjete.En: He kindly offered her advice.Hr: Nina je iskoristila priliku da postavi pitanja, a njegov entuzijazam pomogao joj je da se opusti i više vjeruje u vlastito znanje.En: Nina took the opportunity to ask questions, and his enthusiasm helped her relax and trust her own knowledge more.Hr: Milan je u međuvremenu imao problema.En: Meanwhile, Milan had trouble.Hr: Njegov fotoaparat, netom kupljen, prestao je raditi.En: His camera, just recently purchased, stopped working.Hr: Panika ga je obuzela.En: Panic overcame him.Hr: Uočio je drugog posjetitelja sa sličnim fotoaparatom.En: He noticed another visitor with a similar camera.Hr: Sramežljivo je prišao i upitao bi li mogao koristiti njihov rezervni ako imaju.En: Shyly, he...