Spilled Espresso Blooms Into Romance

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Spilled Espresso Blooms Into Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/spilled-espresso-blooms-into-romance Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je tek nadvladalo trnovite krovove Zagreba kad se dogodila zgoda koja će Ivana i Mariu zauvijek povezati.En: The sun had just begun to conquer the thorny roofs of Zagreb when an incident occurred that would forever connect Ivan and Maria.Hr: Ivan, mladić živahnog duha i osmijeha koji se rijetko gasio, ulazio je u uspavanu kavanu na Trgu bana Jelačića.En: Ivan, a young man with a lively spirit and a smile that rarely faded, entered a sleepy café on Ban Jelačić Square.Hr: Nije ni slutio kako će jedan neoprezan pokret promijeniti njegov dan.En: He had no idea that one careless movement would change his day.Hr: Maria, djevojka s očima boje kestena i osmijehom koji bi otopio sva ledena srca, bila je Sto metara dalje, u modnoj boutiqueu gdje je radila.En: Maria, a girl with chestnut-colored eyes and a smile that could melt all icy hearts, was a hundred meters away, working in a fashion boutique.Hr: Danas je bilo posebno jutro; očekivao ju je veliki događaj - modna revija na kojoj je trebala nositi savršenu bijelu haljinu, bijelu poput prvog snijega koji prekrije Gornji Grad.En: That morning was especially important; she was expecting a big event - a fashion show where she was supposed to wear the perfect white dress, as white as the first snow that covers the Upper Town.Hr: Ivan, nesvjestan svega, naručio je svoje jutarnje gorivo – snažan crni espresso.En: Unaware of everything, Ivan ordered his morning fuel - a strong black espresso.Hr: Dok je gledao kako jutro buja i ljudi žure svojim poslovima, nije primijetio Mariu kako ulazi u kavanu, pozivana mirisom svježe pečenog kruha i kave.En: As he watched the morning come to life and people hurrying about their business, he didn't notice Maria entering the café, beckoned by the scent of freshly baked bread and coffee.Hr: Maria je sjela za susjedni stol, a njihovi su se pogledi tek na trenutak sreli.En: Maria sat at the neighboring table, and their eyes met for just a moment.Hr: Bila je to ona vrsta pogleda u kojoj se sakriju tisuće nenapisanih priča.En: It was the kind of glance in which thousands of unwritten stories were hidden.Hr: Ali, sudbina je već pisala njihovu.En: But destiny was already writing theirs.Hr: Dok je Ivan žustro mahnuo rukom pozdravljajući starog prijatelja, iz ruke mu je ispala šalica.En: As Ivan enthusiastically waved his hand in greeting to an old friend, the cup slipped from his hand.Hr: Vrijeme je kao da je zastalo.En: Time seemed to stand still.Hr: Ivan je gledao u sporoj pokretu, kako kava, kao crna rijeka, leti prema Mariji, koja je s nevjericom promatrala nadolazeću katastrofu.En: In slow motion, Ivan watched as the coffee, like a black river, flew toward Maria, who was incredulously observing the oncoming disaster.Hr: Graciozna bijela haljina samo je tren kasnije dobila nove, tamne ukrase.En: The graceful white dress gained new dark embellishments only a moment later.Hr: Mjesto tišine obuzeo je kaos.En: A place of silence was overtaken by chaos.Hr: Ivan je, potaknut iznenadnim valom panike i kajanja, skočio prema Mariji s nespretnim "Oprosti!"En: Prompted by a sudden wave of panic and remorse, Ivan clumsily jumped towards Maria saying "I'm sorry!"Hr: Maria je izgledala izgubljeno dok je gledala svoj odraz u izlogu, brišući tragove kave s haljine.En: Maria looked lost as she gazed at her...