Spilled Secrets at Šarena Šalica
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Spilled Secrets at Šarena Šalica Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/spilled-secrets-at-sarena-salica Story Transcript:Hr: Bila je toplina proljetnog jutra kada su Ivana, Luka i Marija odlučili otići na kavu u lokalni caffe bar "Šarena šalica".En: It was the warmth of a spring morning when Ivana, Luka, and Marija decided to go for coffee at the local café "Šarena šalica."Hr: Sunce je već visoko stajalo na nebu, a trg je bio pun žamora i smijeha.En: The sun was already high in the sky, and the square was full of chatter and laughter.Hr: Ivana je bila poznata po svojoj veseloj naravi, Lukina nova bijela košulja sjala je kao snijeg, a Marija je uvijek imala oko za detalje i umirujući smiješak.En: Ivana was known for her cheerful nature, Luka's new white shirt shone bright as snow, and Marija always had an eye for details and a calming smile.Hr: Ulazak u caffe bar bio je kao ulazak u drugi svijet; miris svježe mljevene kave miješao se s melodijom laganog jazza koji je dopirao iz zvučnika.En: Entering the café was like stepping into another world; the scent of freshly ground coffee mixed with the melody of soft jazz coming from the speakers.Hr: Trio prijatelja pronašao je sjedalo uz prozor s pogledom na trg.En: The trio found a seat by the window overlooking the square.Hr: "Kakva divna bijela košulja, Luka, baš ti pristaje," rekla je Marija, sipajući šećer u svoju kavu.En: "What a wonderful white shirt, Luka, it suits you perfectly," said Marija, adding sugar to her coffee.Hr: "Hvala, upravo sam je kupio," odgovorio je Luka s osmijehom.En: "Thank you, I just bought it," Luka replied with a smile.Hr: Ivana je bila toliko uzbuđena zbog sunčanog dana da nije ni primijetila kako njezina ruka hita prema šalici. "Jeste li čuli za novi..." počela je, ali odjednom se šalica kave prevrnula i tamni talas kave ispustio se točno na Luku.En: Ivana was so excited about the sunny day that she didn't even notice her hand moving toward the cup. "Have you heard about the new..." she began, but suddenly the coffee cup tipped over and a dark wave of coffee spilled right onto Luka.Hr: "Oh ne, moja nova majica!" uzviknuo je Luka promatrajući kako se kava širi po njegovom sjaju. "Ovo će biti prava katastrofa za izbjeći!"En: "Oh no, my new shirt!" exclaimed Luka as he watched the coffee spread over his pristine shirt. "This is going to be a disaster to avoid!"Hr: Ivana je prebledjela dok je uzimala salvete u pokušaju da posuši mrlju. "Luka, tako mi je žao, nisam to namjerno!"En: Ivana paled as she grabbed napkins, trying to blot the stain. "Luka, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"Hr: Luka je gledao svoju majicu s mješavinom tuge i nevjerice. "Kako ću ovo očistiti? Ovo je bio skupi komad!"En: Luka looked at his shirt with a mix of sadness and disbelief. "How am I going to clean this? It was an expensive piece!"Hr: Marija se nagnula naprijed sa smiješkom koji je pokušavao umanjiti napetost. "Ne brinite, to se može očistiti."En: Marija leaned forward with a smile trying to ease the tension. "Don't worry, it can be cleaned."Hr: "Ivana, mislim da bi trebala platiti za kemijsko čišćenje moje košulje," rekao je Luka, pokušavajući ostati miran.En: "Ivana, I think you should pay for dry cleaning my shirt," said Luka, trying to remain calm.Hr: Začulo se duboko uzdahivanje. "Ali nije bilo namjerno, Luka! Zašto ja?" usprotivila se Ivana.En: There was a deep sigh. "But it was accidental, Luka! Why me?" protested Ivana.Hr: Njihova svađa postajala je sve žustrija, a Marija je shvatila...