Splash and Laughter: Split's Unlikely Duo
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Splash and Laughter: Split's Unlikely Duo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/splash-and-laughter-splits-unlikely-duo Story Transcript:Hr: Sunčani grad Split bio je pun života tog vedrog subotnjeg jutra.En: The sunny city of Split was bustling with life on that cheerful Saturday morning.Hr: Na Rivi, glavnom šetalištu, gosti su uživali u mirisu soli i kave dok su se brodovi ljuljali na plavetnilu mora.En: Along the promenade, guests enjoyed the scent of sea salt and coffee while boats swayed in the blue sea.Hr: Ana je koračala kroz mnoštvo, raspoložena i smiješi se suncu koje je milovalo njeno lice.En: Ana walked through the crowd, in good spirits, smiling as the sun caressed her face.Hr: Ana, srednjoškolka sa smeđim kosom vezanom u razbarušenu punđu, voljela je Split.En: Ana, a high school student with brown hair tied in a tousled bun, loved Split.Hr: Ali, ono što nije voljela bili su neoprezni ljudi koji su bacali otpatke.En: But what she didn't love was the careless people who littered.Hr: Šećući prema fontani na Prokurativama, nije primijetila da je netko ostavio koru od banane baš na njezinom putu.En: As she strolled towards the fountain at Prokurative, she didn't notice someone had left a banana peel right in her path.Hr: Marko, visoki momak sa kapom natrag na glavi, gledao je valove kad je čuo glasak prasak.En: Marko, a tall guy with a backward cap, was gazing at the waves when he heard a sudden gasp.Hr: Okrenuo se i vidio Anu kako se hitro približava tlu.En: He turned and saw Ana swiftly approaching the ground.Hr: Bez razmišljanja, bacio je svoju knjigu o rimskoj povijesti na klupe pokraj sebe i požurio pomoći.En: Without hesitation, he threw his book on Roman history onto the nearby bench and hurried to help.Hr: No, žurba mu nije pomogla.En: But his haste didn't help.Hr: Marko je nagazio na istu onu bananu i, kao i Ana, ispustio je iznenađen uzdah prije nego je završio u fontani s prelijepim kipom koji je odsada imao nove, neočekivane goste.En: Marko stepped on the same banana and, like Ana, let out a surprised sigh before ending up in the fountain with the beautiful statue that now had new, unexpected guests.Hr: Voda se šikljala oko njih dok su se oboje trudili ustati, međusobno gledajući, ne mogući vjerovati što im se upravo dogodilo.En: Water splashed around them as they both struggled to get up, looking at each other, unable to believe what had just happened.Hr: Okolni ljudi su se okupili, neki snimaju incident svojim telefonima, dok su drugi nestrpljivo čekali rasplet.En: Bystanders gathered, some recording the incident with their phones, while others impatiently waited for the outcome.Hr: Svijet se činio da se okreće, ali kroz kaplje vode na trepavicama, Ana i Marko su se počeli smijati.En: The world seemed to be turning, but through the water droplets on their lashes, Ana and Marko began to laugh.Hr: Smijeh se širio, a njihova nevolja je postala ne samo njihova anegdota, već i priča za sve koji su prisustvovali.En: Laughter spread, and their misfortune became not just their anecdote, but a story for all who witnessed it.Hr: Nakon što su se ispenjali iz fontane potpuno mokri ali nasmijani, Marko je pružio ruku Ani.En: After they climbed out of the fountain, completely wet but smiling, Marko offered his hand to Ana.Hr: "Danas smo glavna atrakcija u Splitu," našalio se s bljeskom u očima.En: "Today, we're the main attraction in Split," he joked, a glint in his eyes.Hr:...