Splash & Laughter: An Unplanned Plitvice Dip

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Splash & Laughter: An Unplanned Plitvice Dip Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/splash-laughter-an-unplanned-plitvice-dip Story Transcript:Hr: Jednoga sunčanoga dana, Luka i njegovi prijatelji Ana i Ivan odlučili su posjetiti Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.En: One sunny day, Luka and his friends Ana and Ivan decided to visit Plitvice Lakes National Park.Hr: Taj park bio je poznat po svojim nevjerojatnim slapovima i kristalno čistim jezerima.En: The park was known for its incredible waterfalls and crystal-clear lakes.Hr: Luka je bio jako uzbuđen jer je volio prirodu, a Ana i Ivan su se veselili pikniku pored jednog od mnogih jezera.En: Luka was very excited because he loved nature, while Ana and Ivan were looking forward to having a picnic by one of the many lakes.Hr: Stigli su rano ujutro i krenuli stazom prekrivenom zelenim lišćem, dok je sunce nježno sijalo kroz koru stare šume.En: They arrived early in the morning and started walking along a path covered with green leaves, while the sun gently shone through the canopy of the old forest.Hr: Svaki korak nosio ih je bliže čaroliji koju su činile plave i zelene boje vode.En: Every step brought them closer to the magic created by the blue and green colors of the water.Hr: Nakon sat vremena šetnje, došli su do Velikog jezera, mjesto gdje je voda bila toliko čista da su mogli vidjeti ribe kako plivaju u dubini.En: After an hour of walking, they arrived at the Great Lake, where the water was so clear that they could see fish swimming in the depths.Hr: Luka, koji je uvijek bio željan avanture, odlučio je napraviti selfie na obali kako bi uhvatio trenutak za sjećanje, ne znajući da će taj selfie ući u legendu Plitvičkih jezera.En: Luka, who was always eager for adventure, decided to take a selfie on the shore to capture the moment for a memory, unaware that this selfie would become legendary in Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Stao je na sam rub obale, izvadio mobitel i usmjerio kameru prema svom nasmiješenom licu, s vodopadom koji se prelijepo prosipao u pozadini.En: He stood at the edge of the shore, took out his phone, and aimed the camera at his smiling face, with the waterfall beautifully cascading in the background.Hr: Nije primijetio mokro kamenje pod nogama, i u sekundi, njegova noga skliznula je, a Luka je završio u ledenoj vodi jezera!En: He didn't notice the wet rocks under his feet, and in a second, his foot slipped, and Luka ended up in the icy water of the lake!Hr: Ana je vrisnula dok je Ivan trčao prema rubu kako bi pomogao Luki.En: Ana screamed while Ivan ran towards the edge to help Luka.Hr: Patke su se razbježale u svim smjerovima, stvarajući valove i kvocajući u neredu.En: Ducks scattered in all directions, creating waves and quacking in chaos.Hr: Okolni turisti su se skupili, gledajući kako se Luka bori da se ispliva na površinu.En: Onlookers gathered, watching Luka struggle to swim to the surface.Hr: Srećom, Luka nije bio daleko od obale i brzo je doplivao do ivice gdje su mu Ana i Ivan pružili ruke.En: Fortunately, Luka wasn't far from the shore and quickly swam to the edge where Ana and Ivan reached out to him.Hr: Svi su se smijali kada se napokon izvukao iz vode, dok su mu odjeća i kosa kapali stvarajući malene potokiće oko njega.En: Everyone laughed as he finally emerged from the water, with his clothes and hair dripping, creating small streams around him.Hr: Unatoč nezgodi, Luka se nije mogao prestati smijati.En: Despite the mishap, Luka couldn't stop laughing.