Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ana je bila nova u gradu.En: Ana was new in town.Hr: Hodala je uskim kamenim ulicama Starog grada Dubrovnika, gledajući visoke zidine i osjećajući miris mora.En: She walked through the narrow stone streets of the Old Town of Dubrovnik, admiring the tall walls and sensing the smell of the sea.Hr: Sunce je peklo, a turisti su posvuda šetali, fotografski aparati su kliketali, a djeca su se vrištala igrajući se.En: The sun was shining, and tourists strolled everywhere, their cameras clicking while children screamed and played.Hr: U jednoj tako sunčanoj uličici, Ana je ugledala nešto čudesno.En: In one sunny alley, Ana spotted something marvelous.Hr: Tamo je stajala statua, ili barem Ana je tako mislila.En: There stood a statue, or at least Ana thought so.Hr: Bila je to figura viteza, savršeno nepomična, s mačem u ruci i oklopom koji se svjetlucao na suncu.En: It was a knight figure, perfectly still, with a sword in hand and armor glistening in the sun.Hr: Ana se nasmiješila.En: Ana smiled.Hr: "Izgledaš tako stvarno", rekla je statui.En: "You look so real," she said to the statue.Hr: "Kao da ćeš svakog trenutka oživjeti."En: "As if you're going to come to life any moment now."Hr: Ali "statua", koja je zapravo bio ulični performer Ivan, oživio je i smiješkajući se pogledao Anu.En: But the "statue," who was actually street performer Ivan, came to life and smiled at Ana.Hr: Ana je odskočila unazad, iznenadena.En: Startled, Ana jumped back.Hr: "Oprosti, mislila sam da si prava statua!", ispalo je iz Ane.En: "Sorry, I thought you were a real statue!" Ana blurted out.Hr: Ivan je zakikotao:En: Ivan chuckled.Hr: "To je bio cilj, gospođice. Da zavarava. Zovem se Ivan, a ti?"En: "That was the goal, miss. To deceive. My name's Ivan, and you?"Hr: "Ja sam Ana", rekla je, još uvijek se smijući od iznenađenja.En: "I'm Ana," she said, still smiling from the surprise.Hr: U tom trenutku, naišla je Marija, Ivanova prijateljica, i sa smiješkom promatrala scenu.En: At that moment, Maria, Ivan's friend, came by and watched the scene with a smile.Hr: "Ivane, opet se pretvaraš u kip, vidim. I, kako danas ide 'kiparenje'?"En: "Ivan, you're pretending to be a statue again, I see. So, how's 'statue-ing' going today?"Hr: Tri su se osobe ubrzo sprijateljile, smijući se Ivanovom glumačkom talentu.En: The three soon became friends, laughing at Ivan's acting talent.Hr: Proveli su dan zajedno, šećući dubrovačkim ulicama, upijajući duh srednjovjekovnih ulica i slatkoću jadranske obale.En: They spent the day together, strolling through the streets of Dubrovnik, soaking in the spirit of the medieval streets and the sweetness of the Adriatic coast.Hr: Na kraju dana, Ana je naučila da u Starom gradu Dubrovniku ništa nije onako kako se čini na prvi pogled.En: By the end of the day, Ana had learned that in the Old Town of Dubrovnik, nothing is as it seems at first glance.Hr: I više od svega, naučila je vrednost novih prijateljstava koja se mogu naći u najneočekivanijim situacijama.En: And, most of all, she had learned the value of new friendships that can be found in the most unexpected situations.Hr: Priča se završava veselo, sva trojica su se našli sljedeći dan na istom mjestu, gdje je Ivan nastavio zabavljati prolaznike,...