Sunrise at Dolac: A Heartwarming Market Adventure in Zagreb

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sunrise at Dolac: A Heartwarming Market Adventure in Zagreb Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad Zagreba.En: The sun was shining over Zagreb.Hr: Martin je hodao prema Dolac tržnici.En: Martin was walking toward the Dolac market.Hr: Bio je ponedjeljak ujutro i tržnica je bila puna ljudi.En: It was Monday morning, and the market was full of people.Hr: Ranojutarnji miris svježeg voća i povrća ispunjavao je zrak.En: The early morning smell of fresh fruits and vegetables filled the air.Hr: Martin je volio dolaziti na Dolac.En: Martin loved coming to Dolac.Hr: Svaki štand imao je nešto posebno.En: Each stall had something special.Hr: Boje voća i povrća bile su žive i privlačne.En: The colors of the fruits and vegetables were vivid and attractive.Hr: Martin je tražio najbolje proizvode za svoju obitelj.En: Martin was looking for the best products for his family.Hr: Stigao je do prvog štanda.En: He reached the first stall.Hr: Prodavačica je imala crvene jabuke.En: The vendor had red apples.Hr: Martin se sjetio kako njegova mlađa sestra voli jabuke.En: Martin remembered how his younger sister loves apples.Hr: "Dobar dan," rekao je Martin.En: "Good day," said Martin.Hr: "Koliko koštaju jabuke?En: "How much are the apples?"Hr: ""Deset kuna po kilogramu," odgovorila je prodavačica.En: "Ten kunas per kilogram," replied the vendor.Hr: Martin je kupio kilogram jabuka.En: Martin bought a kilogram of apples.Hr: Nastavio je dalje.En: He moved on.Hr: Na drugom štandu vidio je mladića koji prodaje naranče.En: At the next stall, he saw a young man selling oranges.Hr: Naranče su bile svježe i sjajne.En: The oranges were fresh and shiny.Hr: "Dobar vam dan," rekao je Martin.En: "Good day to you," said Martin.Hr: "Mogu li probati jednu naranču?En: "May I try one orange?"Hr: "Naravno, uzmite jednu," odgovorio je mladić.En: "Of course, take one," replied the young man.Hr: Martin je zagrizao naranču.En: Martin bit into the orange.Hr: Bila je slatka i sočna.En: It was sweet and juicy.Hr: "Uzet ću dvije kile," rekao je Martin.En: "I'll take two kilos," said Martin.Hr: Mladić mu je dao naranče i Martin je platio.En: The young man gave him the oranges and Martin paid.Hr: Sada, Martin je tražio povrće.En: Now, Martin was looking for vegetables.Hr: Došao je do štanda gdje je starija gospođa prodavala mrkve i krumpire.En: He came to a stall where an older lady was selling carrots and potatoes.Hr: "Dobar dan," rekao je Martin.En: "Good day," said Martin.Hr: "Koliko su mrkve?En: "How much are the carrots?"Hr: ""Pet kuna po kilogramu," rekla je gospođa.En: "Five kunas per kilogram," the lady said.Hr: Martin je bio zadovoljan.En: Martin was pleased.Hr: "Dat ću vam deset kuna za dvije kile.En: "I'll give you ten kunas for two kilos."Hr: "Gospođa mu je dala mrkve i krumpire.En: The lady gave him the carrots and potatoes.Hr: Martin je bio sretan.En: Martin was happy.Hr: Imao je sve što mu treba.En: He had everything he needed.Hr: Polako je krenuo kući.En: He slowly headed home.