Sunset Swap: A Serendipitous Encounter

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sunset Swap: A Serendipitous Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, u starom gradu Dubrovniku, Ana i Ivan su se našli na najljepšoj plaži grada, plaži Banje.En: One sunny afternoon, in the old city of Dubrovnik, Ana and Ivan found themselves on the city's most beautiful beach, Banje Beach.Hr: More je bilo mirno, a nebo je polako mijenjalo boje dok je sunce zalazilo, ostavljajući prizor vrijedan divljenja.En: The sea was calm, and the sky slowly changed colors as the sun set, leaving a scene worthy of admiration.Hr: Ana, djevojka s dugom smeđom kosom, sjedila je na mekanom pijesku i pisala poruke prijateljici o čarima grada.En: Ana, a girl with long brown hair, sat on the soft sand and sent messages to her friend about the city's charms.Hr: Ivan, visok i vedrog osmijeha, stajao je nekoliko koraka od nje i slikao zadivljujući zalazak sunca na svom novom telefonu.En: Ivan, tall and with a cheerful smile, stood a few steps away from her, capturing the stunning sunset on his new phone.Hr: Kada je zvuk zvonjave crkve signalizirao kraj dana, dvoje stranaca su se slučajno sudarili dok su ustajali.En: When the church bell signaled the end of the day, the two strangers accidentally bumped into each other as they got up.Hr: U žurbi da uživaju u posljednjim trenucima zalaska sunca, nisu primijetili da su zamijenili telefone.En: In their rush to enjoy the last moments of the sunset, they hadn't noticed that they had exchanged phones.Hr: Ana je prva primjetila.En: Ana was the first to notice.Hr: "Čekaj, ovo nije moj telefon!En: "Wait, this isn't my phone!"Hr: " uzviknula je, gledajući ekran koji joj nije bio poznat.En: she exclaimed, looking at a screen that was unfamiliar to her.Hr: Iste večeri, dok je pokušavala otključati strani uređaj, naišla je na niz Ivanovih smiješnih selfija.En: That evening, as she tried to unlock the unfamiliar device, she came across a series of Ivan's funny selfies.Hr: S druge strane, Ivan je bio zbunjen Aninim rasporedom koji je sadržavao obilaske Dubrovnika.En: On the other hand, Ivan was puzzled by Ana's itinerary, which contained sightseeing plans in Dubrovnik.Hr: Pomislio je kako djevojka ima veoma zanimljiv život.En: He thought that the girl had a very interesting life.Hr: Sutradan u isto vrijeme, oboje su se vratili na plažu Banje u nadi da će pronaći jedno drugo.En: The next day at the same time, they both returned to Banje Beach hoping to find each other.Hr: Ana je držala tuđi telefon u zraku, a Ivan je mahao svojim šeširom kako bi privukao pažnju.En: Ana held up the stranger's phone, and Ivan waved his hat to get her attention.Hr: Njihov susret bio je neugodan, ali smiješan.En: Their encounter was awkward, yet funny.Hr: Razmijenili su telefone i počeli pričati o svojim doživljajima zbog zamjene.En: They exchanged phones and began talking about their experiences due to the mix-up.Hr: Smijeh i crvenilo na licima nisu mogli sakriti.En: Laughter and blushing couldn't be hidden.Hr: "Zbog tebe sam jutros skoro otišao na tečaj kuhanja", rekao je Ivan, pokušavajući ostati ozbiljan.En: "Because of you, I almost went to a cooking class this morning," Ivan said, trying to keep a straight face.Hr: "A ti si me skoro naveo da mislim da sam profesionalni fotograf", uzvratila je Ana, njezin osmijeh šireći se od uha do uha.En: "And you almost convinced me I...