Sweet Secrets & Chocolate Surprises

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sweet Secrets & Chocolate Surprises Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/sweet-secrets-chocolate-surprises Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, kada je nebo bilo boje mandarine, Ana je prošetala do lokalne pekarnice.En: One sunny morning, when the sky was the color of tangerines, Ana took a walk to the local bakery.Hr: Miris svježeg kruha i slatkih peciva širio se ulicom i mamio sve prolaznike.En: The smell of fresh bread and sweet pastries filled the street, enticing all passersby.Hr: Ana nije mogla odoljeti i ušla je unutra.En: Ana couldn't resist and went inside.Hr: Pekarnica je bila mali raj pun kruha, kolača i keksa.En: The bakery was a small paradise filled with bread, cakes, and cookies.Hr: Ljudi su brujali oko nje, birajući svoje omiljene delicije.En: People bustled around her, choosing their favorite treats.Hr: Ana je primijetila jedan poseban kolač u vitrini.En: Ana noticed a special cake in the display.Hr: Bio je to Markov omiljeni kolač - čokoladna bomba, posuta šarenim mrvičicama i prelivena tamnim čokoladnim preljevom.En: It was Marko's favorite cake - a chocolate bomb, sprinkled with colorful crumbs and drizzled with dark chocolate topping.Hr: Marko je svaki petak dolazio po taj kolač nakon posla.En: Marko would come every Friday after work to get this cake.Hr: To je bio njegov mali petak ritual.En: It was his little Friday ritual.Hr: Ana je znala da ne smije dirati taj kolač, ali oči su joj se zacaklile od slasti.En: Ana knew she shouldn't touch that cake, but her eyes gleamed with delight.Hr: Nije mogla odoljeti.En: She couldn't resist.Hr: "Samo jedan mali zalogaj," mislila je Ana.En: "Just a little bite," Ana thought.Hr: I dok je vlasnik pekarnice bio zauzet s drugim kupcima, Ana je brzo uzela kolač i pojela ga.En: And while the bakery owner was busy with other customers, Ana quickly took the cake and ate it.Hr: Kad je Marko došao po svoj omiljeni petak kolač, pekar mu je rekao da je posljednji prodan.En: When Marko came for his favorite Friday cake, the baker told him it was sold out.Hr: Marko je bio zbunjen i malo tužan.En: Marko was confused and a little sad.Hr: Bio je to kolač koji je tjednima čekao kako bi proslavio završetak poslovnog projekta.En: It was the cake he had been looking forward to for weeks to celebrate the completion of a business project.Hr: Ana je to gledala iz kuta pekarnice i srce joj se stisnulo od grižnje savjesti.En: Ana watched from a corner of the bakery, her heart tightening with guilt.Hr: "Moram nešto učiniti," pomislila je.En: "I have to do something," she thought.Hr: Dok je Marko lagano izlazio iz pekarnice, Ana je imala ideju.En: As Marko slowly walked out of the bakery, Ana had an idea.Hr: Vratila se sljedeći dan s velikom kutijom u rukama i našla Marka u parku blizu pekarnice.En: The next day, she returned with a big box and found Marko in the park near the bakery.Hr: "Marko, jučer sam učinila nešto loše," počela je.En: "Marko, yesterday I did something bad," she began.Hr: "Uzela sam tvoj kolač, a nisam znala da je to tvoj petak kolač.En: "I took your cake, not knowing it was your Friday cake."Hr: "Marko je bio iznenađen Aninom iskrenošću.En: Marko was surprised by Ana's honesty.Hr: No, prije nego što je mogao išta reći, Ana je otvorila kutiju.En: Before he could say anything, Ana opened the box.Hr:...