The Apple Pie Mishap: A Dolac Market Mix-Up

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Apple Pie Mishap: A Dolac Market Mix-Up Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu zagrebačke vreve, gdje se mirisi i boje prepliću na svakom koraku, Ivana je koračala velikim trgom Dolac.En: In the heart of the bustle of Zagreb, where scents and colors intermingle at every step, Ivana walked through the large Dolac square.Hr: Njezini koraci bili su brzi i odlučni. Ivana nije bila obična posjetiteljica, ona je imala posebnu misiju - pripremiti svoj poznati pita od jabuka za večerašnju zabavu.En: Her steps were fast and determined. Ivana was not an ordinary visitor; she had a special mission - to prepare her famous apple pie for tonight's party.Hr: Taj dan, trg je bio posebno živahan. Ivana je prolazila pored štandova s raznobojnim cvijećem, svježe ubranim povrćem i voćem koje je izgledalo kao da je maločas ubrano.En: That day, the square was particularly lively. Ivana passed by stands with colorful flowers, freshly picked vegetables, and fruit that looked as if it had just been harvested.Hr: "Jabuke, maslac, šećer..." ponavljala je kao mantru.En: Amidst all this, she recited the recipe in her mind so as not to forget anything. "Apples, butter, sugar..." she repeated like a mantra.Hr: Našao se tu i Petar, prodavač koji je znao sve tajne Dolca, od najsočnijih rajčica do najslasnijih krušaka. Ivana ga je pozdravila s toplim osmijehom: "Dobar dan, Petre. Trebale bi mi najslađe jabuke koje imate, za pita."En: Also there was Petar, a vendor who knew all the secrets of Dolac, from the juiciest tomatoes to the most delicious pears. Ivana greeted him with a warm smile: "Good day, Petar. I need the sweetest apples you have, for the pie."Hr: Petar je odgovorio s prepoznatljivim šarmom: "Za vas samo najbolje, Ivana! Odmah ću vam ih pripremiti."En: Petar responded with his recognizable charm: "For you, only the best, Ivana! I will prepare them for you right away."Hr: Dok je Petar brbljao s drugim kupcima, Ivana je potražila Luku, prijatelja koji je također bio na tržnici. Kad se vratila, Petar je već imao vrećicu spremnu za nju.En: While Petar chatted with other customers, Ivana looked for Luka, a friend who was also at the market. When she returned, Petar already had a bag ready for her.Hr: Ivana je prihvatila vrećicu ne gledajući, zahvalila i pozuri kući.En: Ivana took the bag without looking, thanked him, and hurried home.Hr: Svatko je bio uzbuđen oko Ivanine pite. Dok je miješala tijesto, pjevušila je i smijala se, razmišljajući kako će njezin pita biti vrhunac večeri.En: Everyone was excited about Ivana's pie. As she mixed the dough, she hummed and laughed, thinking about how her pie would be the highlight of the evening.Hr: Ali čim je otvorila vrećicu da izvadi jabuke, Ivana je osjetila nešto čudno. Umjesto okruglih, sočnih jabuka, unutar vrećice našle su se... lukovi!En: But as soon as she opened the bag to take out the apples, Ivana felt something strange. Instead of round, juicy apples, there were... onions inside the bag!Hr: "Oh, ne! Petar mi je dao luk!" uskliknula je Ivana. Bez jabuka, njezin slavni pita od jabuka bio je nemoguć zadatak.En: She felt a mix of surprise and confusion. "Oh, no! Petar gave me onions!" exclaimed Ivana. Without apples, her famous apple pie was an impossible task.Hr: Čini se da je smijeh ipak bio najbolji lijek. Ivana je zgrabila telefon i nazvala Luku.En: It seemed that laughter was the best medicine after all. Ivana grabbed the phone and called Luka.Hr: "Luko, zamisli,...