The Guardian's Secret: Unearthing the Mystery of Dubovac
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Guardian's Secret: Unearthing the Mystery of Dubovac Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je pokrivao Dubovac, povijesni dvorac na brežuljku iznad Karlovca.En: Snow covered Dubovac, the historic castle on the hill above Karlovac.Hr: Noć je bila mirna, ali spodobe sjena vrebale su među zidinama, iako se dolje, u gradu, pripremala velika proslava za doček Nove godine.En: The night was quiet, but shadowy figures lurked among the walls, even though down in the town, preparations for a grand New Year's celebration were underway.Hr: Jesenka raskoš je prošla, donijevši sa sobom staru zagonetku: nestanak drevnog artefakta.En: The autumn splendor had passed, bringing with it an old mystery: the disappearance of an ancient artifact.Hr: Dario je neustrašivo koračao hladnim kamenim hodnicima, tražeći priču koja će mu promijeniti karijeru.En: Dario fearlessly walked the cold stone corridors, seeking a story that would change his career.Hr: Bio je uporan novinar, netko tko je uvijek tražio istinu.En: He was a persistent journalist, someone who always sought the truth.Hr: Ovoga puta, istina ga je vodila prema tajanstvenom gubitku artefakta.En: This time, the truth led him toward the mysterious loss of the artifact.Hr: "Moramo razgovarati s Ivanom", reče sebi.En: "We must talk to Ivana," he said to himself.Hr: Ivana je stručnjak za povijest i poznavala je svaki kutak dvorca.En: Ivana was a history expert and knew every corner of the castle.Hr: Bila je strastvena oko očuvanja kulturne baštine, jednako koliko je Dario bio usredotočen na razotkrivanje misterija.En: She was as passionate about preserving cultural heritage as Dario was focused on unraveling mysteries.Hr: Ivana ga je dočekala u knjižnici, tihi prostor prepun starih knjiga i prašnjavih pergamenata.En: Ivana greeted him in the library, a quiet space full of old books and dusty parchments.Hr: "Artefakt je važan za našu povijest", rekla je, zabrinuta lica.En: "The artifact is important to our history," she said, her face worried.Hr: "Trebao bi biti ovdje, u sigurnosti dvorca."En: "It should be here, in the safety of the castle."Hr: "Sumnjam da Luka zna više nego što priznaje", Dario dodade.En: "I suspect Luka knows more than he admits," Dario added.Hr: Luka, skrbnik dvorca, bio je enigmatičan u svojoj tišini.En: Luka, the castle caretaker, was enigmatic in his silence.Hr: Njegova veza s artefaktom bila je osobna, što ga je činilo pogodnim kandidatom za sumnjivo ponašanje.En: His connection to the artifact was personal, making him a suitable candidate for suspicious behavior.Hr: Dok su pahulje snijega sve gušće padale, Dario i Ivana odlučili su krenuti u avanturu.En: As the snowflakes fell more densely, Dario and Ivana decided to embark on an adventure.Hr: Zajedno, istraživali su zabranjene prostore dvorca, unatoč Lukinim upozorenjima i nadolazećoj oluji koja je prijetila zatvorenim cestama.En: Together, they explored the forbidden areas of the castle, despite Luka's warnings and the impending storm threatening to close the roads.Hr: Ispod starog tepiha pronašli su skriveni prolaz.En: Beneath an old carpet, they found a hidden passage.Hr: Kad su se spustili mračnim prolazom, svjetlo zidne baklje osvijetlilo je Lukasovo lice.En: When they descended the dark passage, the light of a wall torch illuminated Luka's face.Hr: "Morao sam ga sakriti",...