The Ice Cream Mix-up: Laughter in Dubrovnik

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Ice Cream Mix-up: Laughter in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U jednom sunčanom popodnevu, Dubrovnik je zračio toplinom i živostima kojima može odisati samo grad na moru.En: On a sunny afternoon, Dubrovnik radiated the warmth and liveliness that only a seaside city can exude.Hr: Stari kameni zidovi pričali su priče, a iz kafića se širio miris svježe kave.En: The old stone walls told stories, and the scent of fresh coffee wafted from the cafes.Hr: Marija i Ivan, dvoje starih prijatelja, prošetali su uskim kaldrmisanim ulicama grada tražeći osvježenje od vrelog ljeta.En: Marija and Ivan, two old friends, strolled through the narrow cobbled streets of the city seeking relief from the hot summer.Hr: "Dođi, kupit ćemo sladoled!En: "Come, let's get some ice cream!"Hr: " uzviknula je Marija, hvatajući Ivana za ruku i vodeći ga prema obližnjoj slastičarnici.En: exclaimed Marija, grabbing Ivan's hand and leading him towards a nearby ice cream parlor.Hr: "Nema ništa bolje od sladoleda na ovakav dan," složio se Ivan dok su prilazili šarenom štandu sa sladoledom.En: "There's nothing better than ice cream on a day like this," agreed Ivan as they approached the colorful ice cream stand.Hr: No, u trenutku kada su trebali naručiti, nešto neobično se dogodilo.En: However, at the moment they were about to order, something unusual happened.Hr: Ivan, često putujući, pokušao je naručiti sladoled na talijanskom, a Marija na engleskom, misleći da će tako lakše dobiti ono što žele.En: Ivan, a frequent traveler, tried to order ice cream in Italian, and Marija in English, thinking it would make it easier to get what they wanted.Hr: No, umjesto toga, njihove su se riječi pomiješale i stvorile potpunu zabunu.En: Instead, their words got mixed up and created complete confusion.Hr: "Posso avere un pesce, per favore?En: "Posso avere un pesce, per favore?"Hr: " rekao je Ivan nesvjesno da je zamolio za ribu, a ne za sladoled.En: Ivan said unknowingly asking for fish instead of ice cream.Hr: "I'd like some fish too," dodala je Marija, slijedeći Ivanovu pogrešku.En: "I'd like some fish too," added Marija, following Ivan's mistake.Hr: Službenik, zbunjen njihovim naizgled čudnim zahtjevom za ribu u slastičarnici, crtao je znakove pitanja iznad svoje glave.En: The clerk, confused by their seemingly odd request for fish in an ice cream parlor, had a puzzled look on his face.Hr: "Ali ovdje prodajemo samo sladoled," odgovorio je nasmijan.En: "But we only sell ice cream here," he replied with a smile.Hr: Marija i Ivan shvatili su svoju grešku kroz smijeh i popravili je brzo.En: Marija and Ivan realized their mistake amidst laughter and quickly corrected it.Hr: "Oh, izvini, htjeli smo reći sladoled - gelato, ice cream!En: "Oh, sorry, we meant to say ice cream - gelato, ice cream!"Hr: "Nakon što su se svi zajedno nasmijali situaciji, Marija i Ivan izabrali su najbolje okuse - od jagode do čokolade - i smijali se dok su lizali božanstvene kornete, osjećajući kako se hlade pod suncem koje je polako započinjalo svoj zlatni silazak.En: After everyone laughed at the situation, Marija and Ivan chose the best flavors - from strawberry to chocolate - and laughed as they licked the heavenly cones, feeling the coolness under the slowly setting sun.Hr: Sladoled je bio točno ono što im je trebalo, a zbrka s jezikom postala je priča koju će prepričavati...