The Salty Surprise: A Birthday to Remember

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Salty Surprise: A Birthday to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Nije bio običan dan u malom gradu, a posebno ne u slastičarnici gdje je Ivana radila kao glavna pekarica.En: It wasn't an ordinary day in the small town, especially not at the pastry shop where Ivana worked as the head baker.Hr: Sunce je blještalo i prodavala se zadnja pita od višanja kada je Ivana pogledala kalendar.En: The sun was shining, and the last cherry pie was being sold when Ivana looked at the calendar.Hr: Bio je Markov rođendan! Odmah je odlučila ispeći savršen rođendanski kolač za svog prijatelja.En: It was Mark's birthday! She immediately decided to bake the perfect birthday cake for her friend.Hr: Trgovina je mirisala na svježi kruh i cimet, a Ivana je znala da je to mjesto gdje čuda nastaju.En: The store smelled of fresh bread and cinnamon, and Ivana knew this was the place where miracles happened.Hr: Uzela je brašno, jaja, maslac, a onda... šećer. Barem je mislila da je to šećer. U stvari, to je bila sol! Pogriješila je jer su paketi bili skoro isti.En: She took flour, eggs, butter, and then... sugar. At least she thought it was sugar. In fact, it was salt! She made a mistake because the packages were almost identical.Hr: Vrijedne ruke miješale su tijesto, dok je glazba iz radia ispunjavala prostoriju.En: Her diligent hands mixed the dough while the music from the radio filled the room.Hr: Kolač je bio gotov i stavljen u pećnicu.En: The cake was ready and placed in the oven.Hr: U obližnjem kutu pekarnice, sat je otkucavao, a Ivana je sanjarila o Markovom iznenađenju i osmijehu.En: In a nearby corner of the bakery, the clock was ticking, and Ivana daydreamed about Mark's surprise and smile.Hr: Konačno, kolač je bio gotov. Izgledao je zlatno i savršeno, no Ivana nije znala za slanu tajnu koja se krila unutra.En: Finally, the cake was ready. It looked golden and perfect, but Ivana didn't know about the salty secret hidden inside.Hr: Brzo ga je ukrasila šarenim mrvicama i stavila u kutiju.En: She quickly decorated it with colorful sprinkles and placed it in a box.Hr: Kada je Marko došao, bio je zadivljen. Prijatelji su se okupili oko stola, svijeće su bile upaljene, a on je zatvorio oči i zaželio želju.En: When Mark arrived, he was amazed. Friends gathered around the table, candles were lit, and he closed his eyes and made a wish.Hr: Onda je došao trenutak istine, probao je kolač. Njegovo lice se izobličilo! "Ovo je... ovo je..." nije mogao završiti.En: Then came the moment of truth, he tried the cake. His face contorted! "This is... this is..." he couldn't finish.Hr: Ivana je brzo probala komadić i shvatila svoju grešku – kolač je bio grozno slan! Svi su prasnuli u smijeh.En: Ivana quickly tried a piece and realized her mistake – the cake was terribly salty! Everyone burst into laughter.Hr: Marko je bio dobar prijatelj i rekao je: "Ovo će biti najzabavniji rođendan ikad!"En: Mark was a good friend and said, "This will be the most fun birthday ever!"Hr: Na kraju, svi su odlučili isprobati kolač i podijelili su se u smijehu na svaki slani zalogaj.En: In the end, everyone decided to try the cake and laughed at every salty bite.Hr: Ivana im je onda donijela svježe pecivo i pekmez kako bi spasila slavlje.En: Ivana then brought them fresh pastries and jam to save the celebration.Hr: Čak i s previše soli u njegovom rođendanskom kolaču, Markov...