The Seaside Chase: Ante's Adventure with a Seagull
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Seaside Chase: Ante's Adventure with a Seagull Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ante je sjedio na pijesku Glavne plaže.En: Ante was sitting on the sand of the Main Beach.Hr: Jesensko sunce grijalo je tek toliko da more ima zlatni sjaj.En: The autumn sun was warming just enough to give the sea a golden glow.Hr: Ljudi su se kupali ili igrali na plaži, uživajući u posljednjim toplim danima prije zime.En: People were swimming or playing on the beach, enjoying the last warm days before winter.Hr: Ivana je stajala pored njega, smijala se i pričala priče o svojim avanturama.En: Ivana stood next to him, laughing and telling stories about her adventures.Hr: Ante je pokušavao ostati cool, iako mu je srce kucalo jače od uzbuđenja da provodi dan s njom.En: Ante was trying to stay cool, even though his heart was beating faster with excitement to spend the day with her.Hr: Odjednom, galeb je sletio blizu njih.En: Suddenly, a seagull landed near them.Hr: Pogledom je uočio Anteov šešir pored njegovih stopala.En: It spotted Ante's hat next to his feet.Hr: Bez mnogo razmišljanja, galeb je zgrabio šešir svojim kljunom i odletio.En: Without much thought, the seagull grabbed the hat with its beak and flew away.Hr: "Vidi ovo!En: "Look at this!"Hr: " povikala je Ivana, smijući se.En: Ivana shouted, laughing.Hr: "Tvoj šešir je postao plijen!En: "Your hat has become prey!"Hr: "Ante se nasmijao, brinući, ali i zadovoljan što je Ivani smiješno.En: Ante laughed, worried but also pleased that Ivana found it amusing.Hr: "Moram ga vratiti, ali ne mogu pustiti da moj šešir pobjegne s modnim galebom!En: "I have to get it back, but I can't let my hat escape with a fashionable seagull!"Hr: " našalio se i ustao.En: he joked and stood up.Hr: Galeb je letio nisko iznad plaže, izazivajući Antu da ga lovi.En: The seagull flew low over the beach, challenging Ante to chase it.Hr: Ivana ga je pratila, potičući ga sa smiješnim komentarima.En: Ivana followed him, encouraging him with funny comments.Hr: "Trči brže, Ante!En: "Run faster, Ante!Hr: Galeb će ga odvesti u Pariz!En: The seagull will take it to Paris!"Hr: "Ante je trčao među ručnicima i suncobranima, smijajući se uz put.En: Ante ran among the towels and sun umbrellas, laughing along the way.Hr: Plaža je bila užurbana, no nitko nije mogao odoljeti ovoj neočekivanoj zabavi.En: The beach was bustling, but no one could resist this unexpected entertainment.Hr: Par djece je počelo navijati za Antu, a jedan mladi par mu je čak dao savjete kako da skrene putanju galeba.En: A couple of kids started cheering for Ante, and a young couple even gave him tips on how to change the seagull's path.Hr: Konačno, Ante i galeb stigli su do kraja plaže, gdje su visoke stijene omeđivale pijesak.En: Finally, Ante and the seagull reached the end of the beach, where tall rocks bordered the sand.Hr: Tamo, galeb je malo posustao, očito iznenađen pubikom koja je sada gledala u smjeru njihovog bijega.En: There, the seagull hesitated a little, obviously surprised by the audience now watching their escape.Hr: "Sad ili nikad!En: "Now or never!"Hr: " doviknula je Ivana.En: shouted Ivana.Hr: Ante je iskoristio priliku, mlatio rukama ispred sebe, šapatima hrabrosti dotrčao bliže i ispružio ruku.En:...