The Upside-Down Folk Trio!
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Upside-Down Folk Trio! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra u starom gradu Dubrovniku, Marija, Ivan i Davor šetali su uskim uličicama prema omiljenom mjestu okupljanja - malom kafiću ispod visokih zidina.En: One sunny morning in the old city of Dubrovnik, Marija, Ivan, and Davor strolled through the narrow streets toward their favorite gathering spot - a small café beneath the high walls.Hr: Bili su najbolji prijatelji od djetinjstva, a njihova zajednička strast bila je pjevanje tradicionalnih hrvatskih narodnih pjesama.En: They had been best friends since childhood, and their shared passion was singing traditional Croatian folk songs.Hr: Danas je bio poseban dan, jer su se Marija, Ivan i Davor odlučili prikazati svoje vokalne sposobnosti pred okupljenima u kafiću.En: Today was a special day because Marija, Ivan, and Davor had decided to showcase their vocal abilities in front of the crowd at the café.Hr: Pripremali su se tjednima, uvježbavajući stari dalmatinski napjev koji su planirali izvesti.En: They had been preparing for weeks, rehearsing an old Dalmatian chant that they planned to perform.Hr: Nije to bila samo pjesma, već dio njihovog identiteta i kulture koju su željeli podijeliti.En: It wasn't just a song; it was a part of their identity and culture that they wanted to share.Hr: Dok su ulazili u kafić, osmijeh na Marijinom licu je signalizirao euforiju i malu dozu treme koja ju je obuzimala.En: As they entered the café, a smile on Marija's face signaled the excitement and a hint of nervousness that overcame her.Hr: Ivan je podesio svoju gitaru, dok je Davor uvježbavao zadnje note u svom glasu.En: Ivan tuned his guitar, while Davor practiced the final notes in his voice.Hr: Svjetla su se smirila, a svi pogledi su bili uprti u tri junaka naše priče.En: The lights dimmed, and all eyes were on the three heroes of our story.Hr: Sada je bio trenutak istine.En: Now was the moment of truth.Hr: Marija je otvorila usta, a melodija je počela teći.En: Marija opened her mouth, and the melody began to flow.Hr: No, nakon prvih nekoliko riječi, zbunjeni šaput postao je glasan smijeh.En: However, after the first few words, confused whispers turned into loud laughter.Hr: Marija je ispustila čudan pogled, a i Ivan s Davorom su izgledali zbunjeni.En: Marija looked puzzled, and Ivan and Davor also appeared bewildered.Hr: Brzo su shvatili svoju pogrešku: učili su riječi pjesme, ali nažalost, unatrag!En: They quickly realized their mistake: they had learned the lyrics of the song, but unfortunately, backward!Hr: Mještani i turisti u kafiću nisu mogli sadržavati svoje oduševljenje dok su naši prijatelji s ljubavlju pjevali, ali na sasvim nerazumljiv način.En: The locals and tourists in the café couldn't contain their delight as our friends lovingly sang in a completely incomprehensible way.Hr: Umjesto da budu razočarani, Marija, Ivan i Davor su se nasmijali sa svima ostalima.En: Instead of being disappointed, Marija, Ivan, and Davor laughed along with everyone else.Hr: Njihov duh nije bio slomljen.En: Their spirits were not shattered.Hr: Dignuli su se, pozdravili publiku, a zatim su se nasmijali i rekli: "Hvala vam, prijatelji!En: They stood up, thanked the audience, and then laughed and said, "Thank you, friends!Hr: Večeras smo svi zajedno naučili nešto novo.En: Tonight, we all learned something new together.Hr: Ljubav...