Tomato Tumble: A Comedy of Produce
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Tomato Tumble: A Comedy of Produce Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, dok je grad još uvijek spavao, Ivan se probudio s osjećajem da će danas biti neobičan dan.En: One sunny morning, while the city was still asleep, Ivan woke up with a feeling that today would be an unusual day.Hr: S prvim zrakama sunca krenuo je prema lokalnoj trgovini, ne sluteći što ga tamo očekuje.En: With the first rays of the sun, he headed to the local store, unaware of what awaited him there.Hr: Ulaskom u trgovinu pozdravio je prodavačicu Anu, koja je uvijek imala lijepu riječ za svakoga.En: As he entered the store, he greeted the saleswoman Ana, who always had a kind word for everyone.Hr: Na kraju duge police s voćem i povrćem, ugledao je svog prijatelja Marka kako bira najbolje rajčice za svoju majku.En: At the end of the long fruit and vegetable aisle, he spotted his friend Mark picking out the best tomatoes for his mother.Hr: Ana je promatrala kako kupci pažljivo biraju proizvode, misleći kako je ovaj dan kao i svaki drugi.En: Ana watched as the customers carefully chose their products, thinking that this day was like any other.Hr: Ivan, želeći pomoći Marku, krenuo je prema gomili rajčica ne gledajući ispred sebe.En: Wanting to help Mark, Ivan walked towards a pile of tomatoes without looking ahead.Hr: U tom trenutku zakvačio je cipelu za rub police i - bum!En: At that moment, he caught his shoe on the edge of the shelf and - bang!Hr: Sve je počelo padati.En: Everything started falling.Hr: Rajčice su se kotrljale kao male crvene lopte, pridružile su im se paprike koje su se odbijale kao gumene, a na kraju se jedan hrabri krastavac zakotrljao pravo prema preplašenoj Ani!En: Tomatoes rolled like little red balls, joined by bouncing peppers, and finally, one brave cucumber rolled straight toward the startled Ana!Hr: Marko nije mogao vjerovati što vidi, a Ivanove oči su se širile od zaprepaštenja dok je pokušavao spasiti što se spasiti daje.En: Mark couldn't believe what he was seeing, and Ivan's eyes widened in shock as he tried to salvage what he could.Hr: No, umjesto toga, samo je stvorio još veći nered.En: Instead, he only created an even bigger mess.Hr: Svi u trgovini su počeli smijati se gledajući ovu komičnu situaciju.En: Everyone in the store started laughing at this comical situation.Hr: Umjesto ljutnje, Ana se pridružila smijehu i zajedno s Ivanom i Markom počela je skupljati razbacano povrće.En: Instead of getting angry, Ana joined in the laughter, and together with Ivan and Mark, they began to gather the scattered vegetables.Hr: Kad su konačno uspjeli sve pospremiti, Ana je predložila da od sada smjesti rajčice na sigurnije mjesto.En: Once they finally managed to tidy everything up, Ana suggested placing the tomatoes in a safer spot from now on.Hr: Ivan se iskreno ispričao i obećao pomoći oko novog rasporeda.En: Ivan sincerely apologized and promised to help with the new arrangement.Hr: Trgovina se polako vratila u svoj uobičajeni ritam, a Ivan, Ana i Marko su se smijali sjećajući se Ivana kao klauna s rajčicama.En: The store slowly returned to its usual rhythm, and Ivan, Ana, and Mark laughed, remembering Ivan as the clown with the tomatoes.Hr: Ivan je otišao iz trgovine sa spoznajom da dobar smijeh i dobra volja uvijek poprave situaciju.En: Ivan left the store realizing that laughter and good humor always improve a situation.