Uncovering Family Secrets: A Christmas Journey in Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Uncovering Family Secrets: A Christmas Journey in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-08-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zimska noć prekrivala je stari grad Dubrovnik, no atmosfera na božićnom sajmu bila je topla i vesela.En: A winter night enveloped the old city of Dubrovnik, yet the atmosphere at the Christmas market was warm and cheerful.Hr: Ivan, Mira i Luka polako su prolazili kamenim ulicama, okruženi mirisima domaćih delicija i zvukovima božićnih pjesmica.En: Ivan, Mira, and Luka slowly walked through the cobbled streets, surrounded by the scents of local delicacies and the sounds of Christmas carols.Hr: Ivan je bio pun entuzijazma.En: Ivan was full of enthusiasm.Hr: Njegov cilj bio je pronaći komadić obiteljske povijesti, skrivene veze koje ga spajaju s prošlošću.En: His goal was to find a piece of family history, hidden connections that tie him to the past.Hr: Mira je uživala u blagdanskom duhu, dok je Luka, njihov prijatelj i lokalni vodič, pokušavao zadovoljiti oboje.En: Mira enjoyed the festive spirit, while Luka, their friend and local guide, tried to accommodate both.Hr: „Ivan, pogledaj!En: "Ivan, look!"Hr: “ uzviknula je Mira dok su stali pred seoski štand sa slasticama.En: exclaimed Mira as they stopped in front of a village stand with sweets.Hr: „Fritule!En: "Fritule!"Hr: “„Kasnije, Mira“, odgovori Ivan.En: "Later, Mira," responded Ivan.Hr: „Trebam prvo pronaći onu staru knjižaru.En: "I first need to find that old bookstore.Hr: Siguran sam da su tamo dokumenti o našoj obitelji.En: I'm sure they have documents about our family there."Hr: “Luka se nasmiješio i pokušao pomoći: „Ivan, znam sve skriveni kutke ovog grada.En: Luka smiled and tried to help: "Ivan, I know all the hidden corners of this city.Hr: Vjeruj mi, lako ćemo naći tragove tvoje obitelji.En: Trust me, we'll easily find the traces of your family."Hr: “Prošetali su kroz šarene štandove, divili se rukotvorinama i svjetlucavim lampicama.En: They strolled through colorful stalls, admired the crafts and twinkling lights.Hr: No, ma koliko Ivan želio pronaći dokumente o svojoj obitelji, gužva i radost božićnog sajma odvlačila mu je pozornost.En: But no matter how much Ivan wanted to find the documents about his family, the crowd and joy of the Christmas market distracted him.Hr: „Mira“, rekao je nakon nekog vremena, „mislim da bi trebala uživati s Lukom.En: "Mira," he said after some time, "I think you should enjoy with Luka.Hr: Ja ću potražiti neke tragove sam.En: I’ll search for some clues on my own."Hr: “„Ali, Ivan, sve je to povezano“, rekla je Mira s osmijehom.En: "But, Ivan, it's all connected," said Mira with a smile.Hr: „Božić, prošlost, sadašnjost.En: "Christmas, the past, the present.Hr: Svi smo mi dio toga.En: We're all part of it."Hr: “Kako se noć približavala kraju, Ivan je gotovo odustao.En: As the night neared its end, Ivan almost gave up.Hr: Ali tada, u skromnom kutku jednog antikvarijata, ugledao je staru, izblijedjelu fotografiju.En: But then, in a modest corner of an antique shop, he spotted an old, faded photograph.Hr: Prikazivala je njegovu prabaku kao mladu djevojku, sa starim gradom u pozadini.En: It depicted his great-grandmother as a young girl, with the old city in the background.Hr: „Evo je, Luka!En: "Here it is, Luka!"Hr: “ uzviknuo je...