Unearthing Dubrovnik's Nautical Legacy: A Journey Back in Time

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unearthing Dubrovnik's Nautical Legacy: A Journey Back in Time Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unearthing-dubrovniks-nautical-legacy-a-journey-back-in-time Story Transcript:Hr: Miris mora ispunjavao je zrak i sunce je sjalo iznad drevnih zidina Starog Grada Dubrovnika.En: The scent of the sea filled the air, and the sun shone above the ancient walls of Dubrovnik's Old Town.Hr: Ana, Luka i Petra stajali su pod visokim svodom Pila vrata, spremni za njihov projekt povijesti.En: Ana, Luka, and Petra stood under the high arch of Pile Gate, ready for their history project.Hr: "Moramo istražiti Dubrovnikovu pomorsku prošlost," rekla je Ana, lice joj je sjajilo uzbuđenjem.En: "We need to explore Dubrovnik's maritime past," said Ana, her face glowing with excitement.Hr: "Slažem se," odgovorio je Luka, "ali gdje ćemo početi?"En: "I agree," responded Luka, "but where should we start?"Hr: Petra je izvadila mapu iz svoje torbe. "Pogledajmo u luci. Tamo je upravo počeo nastupati starinski brod."En: Petra pulled a map out of her bag. "Let's check out the harbor. An old ship has just started its performance there."Hr: Svi su se složili i krenuli prema luci.En: They all agreed and headed towards the harbor.Hr: Hodali su strmim ulicama i prolazili kroz uske prolaze prekrivene kamenom.En: They walked the steep streets and passed through narrow, stone-paved alleys.Hr: Luka stanovao je u Dubrovniku cijeli život, ali svaka šetnja kroz Stari Grad bila je kao prvo iskustvo.En: Luka had lived in Dubrovnik his whole life, but every walk through the Old Town felt like the first experience.Hr: Kada su stigli u luku, vidjeli su veliki drveni jedrenjak.En: When they arrived at the harbor, they saw a large wooden sailing ship.Hr: Bio je to replika broda iz 16. stoljeća.En: It was a replica of a 16th-century ship.Hr: Ljudi su se okupili oko njega, a vodič je pričao priče o slavnim danima Dubrovnikove prošlosti.En: People gathered around it while a guide told stories of Dubrovnik's glorious past.Hr: "Dubrovnik je bio poznat po svojim mornarima i trgovcima," započeo je vodič. "Brodovi su donosili bogatstvo i znanje iz dalekih zemalja."En: "Dubrovnik was known for its sailors and merchants," the guide began. "Ships brought wealth and knowledge from distant lands."Hr: Ana je zapisivala bilješke, dok je Petra fotografirala.En: Ana was taking notes while Petra was photographing.Hr: Luka je stajao uz vodiča, upijajući svaki detalj.En: Luka stood next to the guide, absorbing every detail.Hr: Odjednom je rekao, "Trebamo intervjuirati nekoga tko zna više o brodogradnji."En: Suddenly, he said, "We need to interview someone who knows more about shipbuilding."Hr: Petra je klimnula glavom. "Moj djed je bio brodograditelj. Možemo ga posjetiti."En: Petra nodded. "My grandfather was a shipbuilder. We can visit him."Hr: Sutradan su otišli do Petrine kuće.En: The next day, they went to Petra's house.Hr: Djed ih je primio s osmijehom i poveo pričati o svojim iskustvima.En: Her grandfather welcomed them with a smile and began to talk about his experiences.Hr: "Brodogradnja je bila srce našeg grada. Svaki brod nosio je priču o hrabrosti i mudrosti."En: "Shipbuilding was the heart of our city. Every ship carried a story of bravery and wisdom."Hr: Razgovor s djedom bio je inspirativan.En: The conversation with the grandfather was inspiring.Hr: Shvatili su...