Unforgettable Summer: Festival Adventures in Dubrovnik

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unforgettable Summer: Festival Adventures in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unforgettable-summer-festival-adventures-in-dubrovnik Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo visoko na plavom nebu dok su Ana, Luka i Ivana šetali kroz stari grad Dubrovnik.En: The sun was shining high in the blue sky as Ana, Luka, and Ivana walked through the old town of Dubrovnik.Hr: Bio je to predivan ljetni dan, savršen za uživanje u festivalu na otvorenom.En: It was a beautiful summer day, perfect for enjoying the open-air festival.Hr: Ana je bila uzbuđena.En: Ana was excited.Hr: "Pogledaj, Luka!En: "Look, Luka!Hr: Sve je tako lijepo!En: Everything is so beautiful!"Hr: ", rekla je, pokazivajući na šarene štandove i plesne skupine na ulici.En: she said, pointing at the colorful stalls and dance groups on the street.Hr: Mirisi začina i svježih slastica ispunjavali su zrak.En: The air was filled with the scents of spices and fresh pastries.Hr: Luka se nasmiješio.En: Luka smiled.Hr: "Zar ne?En: "Isn't it?"Hr: ", odgovorio je dok su prolazili pored štanda s rukotvorinama.En: he replied as they passed by a craft stall.Hr: Ivana je stajala pored njih, fotografirajući svaki trenutak sa svojom kamerom.En: Ivana stood next to them, photographing every moment with her camera.Hr: "Sviđa mi se ovdje", rekla je Ivana.En: "I like it here," Ivana said.Hr: "Volim Dubrovnik.En: "I love Dubrovnik.Hr: Grad je prepun povijesti.En: The city is full of history."Hr: "Dok su troje prijatelja hodali ulicama, naišli su na veliku pozornicu gdje je bend svirao tradicionalnu dalmatinsku glazbu.En: As the three friends walked the streets, they came upon a large stage where a band was playing traditional Dalmatian music.Hr: Ljudi su plesali i pjevali zajedno, a atmosfera je bila vesela.En: People were dancing and singing along, and the atmosphere was joyful.Hr: "Idemo plesati!En: "Let's go dance!"Hr: ", predložila je Ana, povlačeći Luku i Ivanu prema pozornici.En: Ana suggested, pulling Luka and Ivana towards the stage.Hr: Uzeli su se za ruke i počeli plesati u ritmu glazbe.En: They took each other's hands and started dancing to the rhythm of the music.Hr: Smijali su se i zabavljali, zaboravljajući na sve brige.En: They laughed and had fun, forgetting all their worries.Hr: Nakon plesa, odlučili su istražiti još štandova.En: After dancing, they decided to explore more stalls.Hr: Pored jednog štanda s lokalnim vinom, Luka je pronašao suvenir – mali brod.En: Next to a stall with local wine, Luka found a souvenir – a small ship.Hr: "Ovo će biti savršen suvenir za nas", rekao je.En: "This will be the perfect souvenir for us," he said.Hr: "Podsjećat će nas na ovaj predivan dan.En: "It'll remind us of this beautiful day."Hr: "Ivana je nastavila fotografirati grad i ljude.En: Ivana continued to photograph the city and its people.Hr: Došla je do žene koja je prodavala lijepe, ručno izrađene narukvice.En: She came across a woman selling lovely, handmade bracelets.Hr: "Želim jednu od njih", rekla je Ivana, gledajući u narukvice.En: "I want one of these," Ivana said, looking at the bracelets.Hr: "Ova je predivna.En: "This one is beautiful."Hr: "Ana i Luka su se složili.En: Ana and Luka agreed.Hr: Kupili su...