Unveiling Zagreb's Old-World Secrets: A Student's Discovery
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Zagreb's Old-World Secrets: A Student's Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-10-28-22-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Na sunčan dan u središtu Zagreba, gdje lišće pleše na vjetru, Ivica je u studenskom domu pronašao malu, starinsku knjigu na polici.En: On a sunny day in the center of Zagreb, where the leaves dance in the wind, Ivica found a small, antique book on a shelf in the student dormitory.Hr: Ljubav prema misterijama ga je odmah privukla toj knjizi.En: His love for mysteries immediately drew him to the book.Hr: Pokazao ju je prijateljicama Mariji i Ani.En: He showed it to his friends Marija and Ana.Hr: "Knjiga izgleda staro," rekla je Marija kada je dotaknula njene stranice.En: "The book looks old," said Marija when she touched its pages.Hr: "Možda skriva neku tajnu.En: "Maybe it hides a secret."Hr: "Ana se nasmijala.En: Ana laughed.Hr: "Vjerojatno stara bilježnica nekog zaboravljenog studenta.En: "Probably an old notebook of some forgotten student.Hr: Ipak, provjerimo što se krije unutra.En: Still, let's see what’s inside."Hr: "Ivica je otvorio knjigu i primijetio čudne zapise.En: Ivica opened the book and noticed strange entries.Hr: "Vidite ovo," rekao je pokazajući rečenice koje su opisivale događaje koji su se upravo dogodili.En: "Look at this," he said, pointing to sentences that described events that had just happened.Hr: Na primjer, zapis o velikom nevremenu od prije nekoliko dana, što ih je pomalo uznemirilo.En: For instance, a record about the big storm a few days ago, which unsettled them a bit.Hr: Marija je odmah rekla: "Možda je ovo dnevnik vidovnjaka!En: Marija immediately said: "Maybe this is the diary of a seer!Hr: Moramo saznati više.En: We must find out more."Hr: "Ivica, uvijek skeptičan, odlučio je otkriti istinu.En: Ivica, always skeptical, decided to uncover the truth.Hr: "Ne vjerujem u čuda, ali možda nam ova knjiga pomogne.En: "I don't believe in miracles, but maybe this book will help us.Hr: Idemo pratiti tragove.En: Let's follow the clues."Hr: "Tijekom tjedna, istraživali su po kampusu.En: Throughout the week, they investigated around the campus.Hr: Ivica je prelistavao arhive knjižnice tražeći vlasnika knjige.En: Ivica was flipping through library archives looking for the book's owner.Hr: Marija je pričala s profesorima, tražeći informacije o studentima koji su voljeli pisati ovakve stvari.En: Marija was talking to professors, seeking information about students who liked to write such things.Hr: Ana je, kao i uvijek, pokušala pronaći racionalno objašnjenje, ni ne sluteći koliko će se sve zakomplicirati.En: Ana, as always, tried to find a rational explanation, not knowing how complicated everything would get.Hr: "Našla sam nešto," uzviknula je Marija jednog dana.En: "I found something," exclaimed Marija one day.Hr: "Knjiga predviđa događaje na dan Svih Svetih!En: "The book predicts events on All Saints' Day!"Hr: "Ivica je sada bio zaintrigiran.En: Ivica was now intrigued.Hr: "Što piše?En: "What does it say?"Hr: " upitao je.En: he asked.Hr: "Pisu: 'Pod zvijezdom na groblju, sjećanje će prosvijetliti dan'," pročitala je Marija.En: "It says: 'Under the star at the cemetery, a memory will enlighten the day,'" read Marija.Hr: "Što bi to moglo značiti?En: "What...