Unveiling Zagreb's School Mystery: Ana's Brave Discovery

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Zagreb's School Mystery: Ana's Brave Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-zagrebs-school-mystery-anas-brave-discovery Story Transcript:Hr: U školskom dvorištu, sunce je sjalo visoko na ljetnom nebu.En: In the schoolyard, the sun was shining high in the summer sky.Hr: Bio je srpanj, a škola u Zagrebu je bila prazna.En: It was July, and the school in Zagreb was empty.Hr: Ali ja, Ana, nisam mogla ostaviti misterije nedirnute.En: But I, Ana, couldn’t leave mysteries untouched.Hr: "Svi su pričali o skrivenoj sobi ispod škole. Nitko nije vjerovao da postoji," moja priča je počela.En: "Everyone talked about a hidden room beneath the school. No one believed it existed," my story began.Hr: Marko, moj kolega iz razreda, uvijek je bio skeptičan.En: Marko, my classmate, was always skeptical.Hr: "Nema šanse da tako nešto postoji," rekao je. "To su samo priče."En: "There's no way something like that exists," he said. "Those are just stories."Hr: Jednog dana, odlučila sam istražiti sama.En: One day, I decided to investigate on my own.Hr: Prošla sam hodnicima naše stare škole, čija su velika prozorska stakla svjetlucala, a pod od drvenih dasaka škripao pod mojim nogama.En: I walked through the hallways of our old school, whose large window panes glistened, and the wooden floorboards creaked under my feet.Hr: Toliko volim ove tajnovite hodnike koji kriju nevjerojatne priče iz prošlosti.En: I love these mysterious hallways that hide incredible stories from the past.Hr: "Moram naći ulaz u tu sobu," rekla sam sebi.En: "I must find the entrance to that room," I told myself.Hr: Kroz tjedne sam proučavala stare karte škole i napokon pronašla malu, skriveni vrata iza ormara u podrumu.En: For weeks, I studied old maps of the school and finally found a small, hidden door behind a cupboard in the basement.Hr: "Gdje ideš?" pitao je Marko, kada me vidio da odlazim.En: "Where are you going?" Marko asked when he saw me leaving.Hr: "Moram provjeriti nešto," odgovorila sam, osjećajući adrenalin dok sam se spuštala uskim stubištem.En: "I need to check something," I replied, feeling the adrenaline as I descended the narrow staircase.Hr: Bila sam sama, iako su svi upozoravali da je opasno, nisam se mogla zaustaviti.En: I was alone, though everyone warned it was dangerous, I couldn’t stop.Hr: Strah je bio prisutan, ali želja za istinom je bila jača.En: Fear was present, but the desire for the truth was stronger.Hr: Vrata su bila teška, prašnjava.En: The door was heavy and dusty.Hr: Kada sam ih otvorila, unutra je bio mrak i hladnoća.En: When I opened it, it was dark and cold inside.Hr: Srce mi je ubrzano kucalo dok sam se spuštala niz još jedan niz stepenica u podzemnu sobu.En: My heart was pounding as I descended another flight of stairs into the underground room.Hr: Nada je bila da nađem neki dokaz o postojanju sobe.En: The hope was to find some proof of the room’s existence.Hr: Odjednom, osjetila sam nalet hlada i ugledala staru knjigu na stolu.En: Suddenly, I felt a chill and saw an old book on the table.Hr: Bila je to davno zaboravljena rukopis koja je pričala priču o našoj školi.En: It was a long-forgotten manuscript that told the story of our school.Hr: Dok sam listala strane, shvatila sam da je soba nekad pripadala tajnoj skupini učitelja.En: As I flipped through the pages, I realized the...