Warmth in the Storm: A Tale of Friendship

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Warmth in the Storm: A Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/warmth-in-the-storm-a-tale-of-friendship Story Transcript:Hr: Bila je to bura kakva se rijetko viđa u malom primorskom selu.En: It was a storm like one rarely seen in the small coastal village.Hr: Tri prijatelja, Petar, Ana i Ivan, smjestili su se u tradicionalnoj konobi da se sklone od nevremena i zagriju uz vruću juhu.En: Three friends, Petar, Ana, and Ivan, found shelter in a traditional tavern to escape the bad weather and warm up with hot soup.Hr: Zidovi konobe bili su ukrašeni starim ribarskim mrežama i fotografijama mora.En: The walls of the tavern were adorned with old fishing nets and sea photographs.Hr: Miris dalmatinskih začina širio se malenim prostorom dok je vlasnik, gospodin Ante, donosio tople tanjure juhe.En: The scent of Dalmatian spices filled the cozy space as the owner, Mr. Ante, brought out steaming plates of soup.Hr: Petar je sjedio pokraj Ane, smijući se i pričajući priče o djetinjstvu.En: Petar sat next to Ana, laughing and sharing childhood stories.Hr: Ana, u svojoj novoj haljini, koja je svijetlila poput ljetnog neba, slušala je s radosnim osmijehom.En: Ana, in her new dress, shimmering like the summer sky, listened with a joyful smile.Hr: Ivan, s druge strane stola, veselo je podbadanje pričao vlastite dogodovštine s mora.En: On the other side of the table, Ivan cheerfully recounted his own sea adventures.Hr: U jednom trenutku, dok se Petar gestikulirajući prepustio svojoj priči, zanese i slučajno zamahne rukom tako da prevrne tanjur pun juhe pravo na Aninu novu haljinu.En: At one point, while Petar was gesturing animatedly in his storytelling, he accidentally knocked over a plate full of soup right onto Ana's new dress.Hr: Ana se ukočila u šoku, a juha se razlila po prekrasnoj plavoj tkanini.En: Ana froze in shock, and the soup spread across the beautiful blue fabric.Hr: Ivan, koji je baš podizao čašu vina do usana, nije mogao zadržati smijeh.En: Ivan, who was just lifting a glass of wine to his lips, couldn't hold back his laughter.Hr: Naglo je prasnuo, a iz usta mu je prskalo piće po cijelom stolu.En: He burst out suddenly, and his drink splattered across the entire table.Hr: Petar je, pocrvenio od nelagode, ispričavao se, dok je Ana gledala svoju mrljastu haljinu, znajući da je večer uništena.En: Petar, red with embarrassment, apologized, while Ana stared at her stained dress, knowing that the evening was ruined.Hr: Gospođa Mara, žena koja je radila u konobi, brzo je došla do stola s krpom i kantom vode.En: Mrs. Mara, a woman working in the tavern, quickly came to the table with a cloth and a bucket of water.Hr: Bez riječi, počela je čistiti nered, bacivši Petru smirujući pogled.En: Without a word, she began cleaning up the mess, shooting Petar a reassuring glance.Hr: Ana je duboko uzdahnula i pokušala sakriti razočaranje.En: Ana sighed deeply and tried to hide her disappointment.Hr: Dok je gospođa Mara čistila, Petar je shvatio da mora nešto poduzeti.En: As Mrs. Mara cleaned, Petar realized he had to do something.Hr: "Ana, tako mi je žao," izjavio je.En: "Ana, I'm so sorry," he said.Hr: "Obećajem, popravit ću ovo.En: "I promise I'll make this right."Hr: ""Ivana, molim te nemoj se smijati," dodao je trudeći se zadržati situaciju pod kontrolom.En: "Ivan, please don't laugh," he added, trying to keep the situation under control.Hr: Ivan...