Winter Wisdom: Embracing Imperfections in Dubrovnik

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Winter Wisdom: Embracing Imperfections in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik, zima.En: Dubrovnik, winter.Hr: Zrak je hladan, a more tamno i mirno.En: The air is cold, and the sea is dark and calm.Hr: Ljudi u debelim kaputima stoje u redu ispred biračkog mjesta.En: People in thick coats stand in line in front of the polling station.Hr: Zidine oko glasačkog centra snažno odražavaju stranicu povijesti, dok pogled na Jadransko more pokazuje bezvremensku ljepotu Dubrovnika.En: The walls around the voting center strongly reflect a page of history, while the view of the Adriatic Sea shows the timeless beauty of Dubrovnik.Hr: Ivana stoji u redu s Markom i Petrom.En: Ivana stands in line with Marko and Petar.Hr: Smijeh i povremeni razgovori prolaze kroz gomilu, ali Ivana je napeta.En: Laughter and occasional conversations pass through the crowd, but Ivana is tense.Hr: Gleda prema dolje i primijeti nešto strašno - nosi dva različita cipela.En: She looks down and notices something terrible - she is wearing two different shoes.Hr: Lijeva cipela je crna, elegantna, dok je desna tamnoplava, sportskog izgleda.En: The left shoe is black and elegant, while the right one is dark blue and sporty-looking.Hr: Ivana je uvijek pažljiva sa stilom, i ovaj propust ju stavlja na rub.En: Ivana is always careful with her style, and this oversight puts her on edge.Hr: Marko i Petar pričaju o politici.En: Marko and Petar are talking about politics.Hr: Petar primijeti Ivaninu tihu prisutnost i pita: "Ivana, jesi dobro?En: Petar notices Ivana's quiet presence and asks, "Ivana, are you okay?"Hr: " Ivana brzo podigne pogled i promotri gužvu.En: Ivana quickly lifts her gaze and surveys the crowd.Hr: Treba odlučiti - može li sakriti pogrešku ili će se suočiti s tim?En: She needs to decide - can she hide the mistake, or will she confront it?Hr: Linija se jedva pomiče.En: The line barely moves.Hr: Ivana osjeća da svi gledaju njezine cipele, iako zna da je to samo njezina mašta.En: Ivana feels like everyone is staring at her shoes, although she knows it's just her imagination.Hr: Gomila je sve bliže i bliže.En: The crowd is getting closer and closer.Hr: Morat će reagirati prije nego stigne biralište.En: She'll have to act before reaching the polling place.Hr: U trenutku impulzivne hrabrosti, Ivana se okrene Marku i Petru.En: In a moment of impulsive bravery, Ivana turns to Marko and Petar.Hr: "Znate, ljudi kažu da treba biti u ravnoteži," kaže ona, podižući noge i pokazujući svoje nesparene cipele.En: "You know, people say you need to be balanced," she says, lifting her legs and showing her mismatched shoes.Hr: "Možda sam u modnom smislu previše ravnotežno raspoložena danas!En: "Maybe I'm too fashionably balanced today!"Hr: " Marko zapanjeno pogleda, ali zatim izbije u smijeh.En: Marko looks stunned but then bursts into laughter.Hr: Petar se brzo pridruži, a uskoro se i cijela gomila smije.En: Petar quickly joins in, and soon the whole crowd is laughing.Hr: Ivana osjeti kako joj se olakšanje širi kroz tijelo.En: Ivana feels relief spreading through her body.Hr: Njena iskrenost i malo humora pretvorili su neugodan trenutak u zajednički smijeh.En: Her honesty and a bit of humor turned an awkward moment into a shared laugh.Hr:...