Winter's Embrace: A Heartfelt Connection in Snowy Plitvice

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Winter's Embrace: A Heartfelt Connection in Snowy Plitvice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je sjedila na drvenoj klupi, gledajući snijeg kako tiho pada oko nje.En: Ivana was sitting on the wooden bench, watching the snow silently falling around her.Hr: Plitvička jezera bila su prekrivena bijelim pokrivačem.En: Plitvička jezera were covered with a white blanket.Hr: Bila je siječanj.En: It was January.Hr: Svuda je vladala zimska čarolija.En: Everywhere, there was a winter magic.Hr: Osjećala se pomalo bespomoćno, s nogom u gipsu nakon skijaške nesreće.En: She felt somewhat helpless, with her leg in a cast after a skiing accident.Hr: No, odlučna kao uvijek, nije htjela da je ozljeda spriječi da uživa u prirodi.En: But, determined as always, she didn't want the injury to prevent her from enjoying nature.Hr: Luka, Ivani blizak prijatelj, pažljivo joj je pomagao.En: Luka, a close friend of Ivana, was helping her carefully.Hr: Često je dolazio provjeriti je li dobro.En: He often came to check if she was okay.Hr: Znao je i da Valentinovo dolazi, prilika možda idealna da joj prizna svoje osjećaje.En: He also knew that Valentine's Day was approaching, perhaps the ideal opportunity to confess his feelings to her.Hr: Jednog dana rekao joj je, "Idemo na kratku šetnju. Dobro ti je za dušu."En: One day he said to her, "Let's go for a short walk. It's good for the soul."Hr: Ivana je oklevala.En: Ivana hesitated.Hr: "Luka, teško mi je hodati..." počela je, ali njegova topla i podržavajuća prisutnost ohrabrila ju je.En: "Luka, it's hard for me to walk..." she began, but his warm and supportive presence encouraged her.Hr: "Bit ću tu uz tebe," rekao je s osmijehom.En: "I'll be here with you," he said with a smile.Hr: Polako su se kretali stazom oko zamrznutog jezera.En: They slowly moved along the path around the frozen lake.Hr: Vjetar je bio hladan, ali zrak svjež i čist.En: The wind was cold, but the air was fresh and clean.Hr: Staze su bile tihe, samo škripanje snijega pod njihovim cipelama odjekivalo je među drvećem.En: The trails were quiet, only the crunching of snow under their shoes echoed among the trees.Hr: Luka ju je pažljivo vodio, pazeći na svaki korak.En: Luka carefully guided her, watching every step.Hr: Dok su hodali, Ivana je osjetila mali ushit.En: As they walked, Ivana felt a small thrill.Hr: Iako teško, bilo je prekrasno ponovno osjetiti prirodu tako blizu.En: Although difficult, it was wonderful to feel nature so close again.Hr: No, jedan trenutak neopreza, i umalo je posrnula.En: But, one moment of carelessness, and she almost stumbled.Hr: Luka je brzo reagirao, uhvatio ju je za ruku, stabilizirajući je.En: Luka quickly reacted, catching her hand, stabilizing her.Hr: "Vidjela sam," rekla je Ivana s osmijehom.En: "I saw," Ivana said with a smile.Hr: "Mogu, mogu hodati." Luka se nasmijao.En: "I can, I can walk." Luka laughed.Hr: "Znao sam da možeš."En: "I knew you could."Hr: Dok su stajali kraj jezera, Ivana se osjećala slobodnijom nego ikad otkako je ozlijedila nogu.En: As they stood by the lake, Ivana felt freer than ever since she injured her leg.Hr: Novak vjetar nosio je sjeme nove nade.En: The new breeze carried the seed of new hope.Hr: Luka je osjetio da je...