From Frustration to Joy: Perfecting Your Charles Bridge Selfie

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Fluent Fiction - Czech: From Frustration to Joy: Perfecting Your Charles Bridge Selfie Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Cs: Rána byla teplá a slunce svítilo nad Prahou.En: The morning was warm, and the sun shone over Prague.Cs: Jan a Eva stáli na Karlově mostě.En: Jan and Eva were standing on Charles Bridge.Cs: Byli nadšení.En: They were excited.Cs: Chtěli udělat perfektní selfie.En: They wanted to take the perfect selfie.Cs: Za nimi byla krásná Praha.En: Behind them was the beautiful Prague.Cs: Staré věže a řeka Vltava.En: Old towers and the Vltava River.Cs: Vytáhli mobil.En: They took out the phone.Cs: Usmáli se.En: They smiled.Cs: Ale pak přišli holubi.En: But then the pigeons came.Cs: Holubi létali kolem nich.En: Pigeons were flying around them.Cs: Eva měla v ruce kousek chleba.En: Eva had a piece of bread in her hand.Cs: Holubi se na něj vrhli.En: The pigeons scrambled for it.Cs: "Hej, to je můj chleba!En: "Hey, that's my bread!"Cs: " křičela Eva.En: Eva shouted.Cs: Holubi byli rychlí a drzí.En: The pigeons were quick and cheeky.Cs: Jan se pokusil holuby zahnat.En: Jan tried to shoo them away.Cs: Ale oni se vrátili.En: But they came back.Cs: Bylo to jako hra.En: It was like a game.Cs: Holubi chtěli jídlo a Jana a Evu to štvalo.En: The pigeons wanted food, and Jan and Eva were annoyed.Cs: "Pojďme to zkusit znovu," řekl Jan.En: "Let's try again," Jan said.Cs: Přitiskli se k sobě a zvedli mobil.En: They pressed close together and raised the phone.Cs: Ale znovu!En: But again!Cs: Holubi skočili do záběru.En: The pigeons jumped into the shot.Cs: Oba se smáli, i když byli trochu naštvaní.En: Both were laughing, though a bit frustrated.Cs: Na mostě bylo mnoho turistů.En: There were many tourists on the bridge.Cs: Někteří se smáli.En: Some were laughing.Cs: Jiní se fotili.En: Others were taking photos.Cs: Jan a Eva se nevzdávali.En: Jan and Eva didn't give up.Cs: "Musíme vymyslet plán," řekla Eva.En: "We need to come up with a plan," Eva said.Cs: "Možná, když budeme mít víc jídla, odejdou.En: "Maybe if we have more food, they will leave."Cs: " Koupili si pár housek od nedalekého stánku a rozdělili jídlo mezi holuby.En: They bought a few rolls from a nearby stall and divided the food among the pigeons.Cs: Holubi byli spokojení.En: The pigeons were satisfied.Cs: Jan a Eva konečně chvíli klidu.En: Jan and Eva finally had a moment of peace.Cs: Zvedli mobil, usmáli se a cvak!En: They raised the phone, smiled, and click!Cs: Perfektní selfie!En: The perfect selfie!Cs: "Podívej!En: "Look!"Cs: " řekla Eva a ukázala fotku.En: said Eva, showing the photo.Cs: "Vidíš tu krásnou věž?En: "Do you see that beautiful tower?"Cs: " Jan se usmál.En: Jan smiled.Cs: "Ano, a žádný holub!En: "Yes, and no pigeons!"Cs: " Smáli se spolu a pokračovali v procházení po mostě.En: They laughed together and continued to stroll on the bridge.Cs: Odpoledne se slunce začalo schovávat za obzorem.En: In the afternoon,...