Prague History: A Student's Journey on Charles Bridge

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Fluent Fiction - Czech: Prague History: A Student's Journey on Charles Bridge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Cs: Na Karlově mostě bylo rušno.En: The Charles Bridge was bustling.Cs: Slunce svítilo a turisti se procházeli.En: The sun was shining, and tourists were strolling.Cs: Jan, Eva a Petr stáli na okraji mostu.En: Jan, Eva, and Petr stood at the edge of the bridge.Cs: Byli to studenti střední školy.En: They were high school students.Cs: Měli velký projekt z historie.En: They had a big history project.Cs: „Musíme fotit a psát si poznámky,“ řekla Eva.En: "We have to take photos and write notes," Eva said.Cs: Všichni tři měli malé zápisníky.En: All three had small notepads.Cs: Jan měl taky digitální fotoaparát.En: Jan also had a digital camera.Cs: Eva se podívala na sochy na mostě.En: Eva looked at the statues on the bridge.Cs: „Tahle socha je svatý Jan Nepomucký,“ řekla a napsala si to.En: "This statue is Saint John of Nepomuk," she said and wrote it down.Cs: „On je důležitý pro českou historii.“En: "He is important for Czech history."Cs: Jan si zvedl fotoaparát k oku a vyfotil sochu.En: Jan lifted his camera to his eye and took a photo of the statue.Cs: „Co ještě o něm víme?“ zeptal se.En: "What else do we know about him?" he asked.Cs: Petr se zamyslel.En: Petr thought for a moment.Cs: „Říká se, že byl svržen do Vltavy,“ dodal a také zapisoval.En: "It's said that he was thrown into the Vltava," he added, writing as well.Cs: „Podívejte,“ ukázala Eva na ceduli na mostě.En: "Look," Eva pointed to a sign on the bridge.Cs: „Tady je napsáno, že most postavil Karel IV.“En: "It says here that the bridge was built by Charles IV."Cs: „Karel IV. byl velký český král,“ připomněl Jan.En: "Charles IV was a great Czech king," Jan reminded them.Cs: „Měli bychom najít víc o Karlu IV.,“ dodal Petr.En: "We should find more about Charles IV," Petr added.Cs: Dostali se k velké věži.En: They reached a large tower.Cs: Vlezli na věž.En: They climbed up the tower.Cs: Vyšli po schodech a nahoře viděli celý most a Prahu.En: They went up the stairs and at the top, they could see the entire bridge and Prague.Cs: Eva si dělala poznámky: „Tady nahoře je krásný výhled.“En: Eva was taking notes: "The view from up here is beautiful."Cs: Jan fotil panorama.En: Jan was photographing the panorama.Cs: „Tohle bude v naší prezentaci.“En: "This will be in our presentation."Cs: Petr se najednou zamračil.En: Petr suddenly frowned.Cs: „Nemáme dost informací. Musíme do knihovny.“En: "We don't have enough information. We need to go to the library."Cs: „Ano, ale teď jsme shromáždili hodně informací,“ namítla Eva.En: "Yes, but we've gathered a lot of information now," Eva countered.Cs: „Můžeme ty informace spojit s dalšími zdroji.“En: "We can combine this information with other sources."Cs: Jan a Petr přikývli.En: Jan and Petr nodded.Cs: „Eva má pravdu,“ řekl Jan.En: "Eva is right," said Jan.Cs: „Musíme zjistit víc, ale už jsme udělali hodně.“En: "We need to find more, but we've done a lot already."Cs: Vrátili se zpět na most a podívali se na Vltavu.En: They returned to the bridge and looked at...