A Lifesaving Day in Jūrmala: Friendship Tested Under the Sun

FluentFiction - Latvian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: A Lifesaving Day in Jūrmala: Friendship Tested Under the Sun Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-lifesaving-day-in-jurmala-friendship-tested-under-the-sun Story Transcript:Lv: Saulains rīts Jūrmalas pludmalē.En: A sunny morning at the beach in Jūrmala.Lv: Jānis, Ilze un Māris nolēma pavadīt dienu pie jūras.En: Jānis, Ilze, and Māris decided to spend the day by the sea.Lv: Viņi visi mīlēja sauli un smiltis.En: They all loved the sun and the sand.Lv: Pludmale bija pilna ar cilvēkiem.En: The beach was full of people.Lv: Jūra zilā, mierīgā.En: The sea was blue and calm.Lv: Jānis uzvilka savas peldbrilles un devās iekšā ūdenī.En: Jānis put on his swimming goggles and went into the water.Lv: Ilze un Māris palika smiltīs, sauļojās.En: Ilze and Māris stayed on the sand, sunbathing.Lv: "Ilze, vai tu jūties labi?En: "Ilze, are you feeling okay?"Lv: " jautāja Māris pēc stundas.En: Māris asked after an hour.Lv: "Jā, man viss ir kārtībā," Ilze atbildēja, bet viņas seja bija ļoti sarkana.En: "Yes, I'm fine," Ilze replied, but her face was very red.Lv: Karstums bija liels, un saules stari spīdēja tieši uz viņu.En: The heat was intense, and the sun's rays were shining directly on her.Lv: Kādu laiku viņa nekustējās.En: She didn't move for a while.Lv: Pēkšņi Ilze sajuta reiboņus.En: Suddenly, Ilze felt dizzy.Lv: Viņa centās piecelties, bet kājas bija vājas.En: She tried to stand up, but her legs were weak.Lv: Māris pamanīja, ka kaut kas nav kārtībā.En: Māris noticed that something was wrong.Lv: "Ilze, vai tu esi izslāpusi?En: "Ilze, are you thirsty?"Lv: " viņš jautāja, nobažījies.En: he asked, concerned.Lv: "Jā, laikam man trūkst ūdens," Ilze atbildēja vājā balsī.En: "Yes, I think I'm dehydrated," Ilze answered in a faint voice.Lv: Māris ātri paņēma savu ūdens pudeli un iedeva Ilzei dzert.En: Māris quickly grabbed his water bottle and gave it to Ilze.Lv: Ilze dzēra maziem malkiem, bet tas nepalīdzēja pietiekami.En: Ilze drank in small sips, but it wasn't enough.Lv: "Jāni, nāc ātri!En: "Jānis, come quickly!"Lv: " sauca Māris.En: Māris called out.Lv: Jānis izskrēja no ūdens un redzēja, ka Ilze izskatās slikti.En: Jānis rushed out of the water and saw that Ilze looked unwell.Lv: "Ilze ir dehidrēta," Jānis teica.En: "Ilze is dehydrated," Jānis said.Lv: "Mums steidzami jādabūti vairāk ūdens un jātur viņa ēnā.En: "We urgently need to get more water and keep her in the shade."Lv: "Viņi paņēma lielu dvieli un pārvietoja Ilzi uz ēnu zem lielā saulessarga.En: They took a large towel and moved Ilze to the shade under a big beach umbrella.Lv: Jānis atnesa vēl ūdeni no tuvējā stenda.En: Jānis brought more water from a nearby stand.Lv: Ilze lēnām sāka justies labāk, bet vēl bija vārga.En: Ilze slowly began to feel better but was still weak.Lv: "Tu esi drošībā tagad, Ilze," sacīja Māris, kad viņi visi sēdēja kopā zem saulessarga.En: "You're safe now, Ilze," said Māris as they all sat together under the umbrella.Lv: "Mēs vairs neļausim tā notikt.En: "We won't let this happen again."Lv: "Ilze pateicās saviem draugiem.En: Ilze thanked her friends.Lv: "Jūs man izglābāt dzīvību," viņa teica.En: "You saved my life," she said.Lv: Pēc...