Mistaken Identity: The Cabbage Tale

FluentFiction - Latvian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Mistaken Identity: The Cabbage Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mistaken-identity-the-cabbage-tale Story Transcript:Lv: Vienā saulainā rītā, kad debesīs spēlējās balti mākoņi, Liene nolēma doties uz Rīgas Centrāltirgu.En: On a sunny morning, with white clouds playing in the sky, Liene decided to go to the Riga Central Market.Lv: Viņai vajadzēja svaigus dārzeņus vakariņām, bet vissvarīgāk - lielu kāpostu galvu, ko vīrs Juris bija lūdzis sarūpēt.En: She needed fresh vegetables for dinner, but most importantly, a large head of cabbage that her husband Juris had asked her to get.Lv: Klīstot starp tirgus sētām, Liene satika vecu draugu - Martinu.En: As she wandered among the market stalls, Liene ran into an old friend - Martins.Lv: Abi ilgi nerunāja.En: They didn't talk long.Lv: Martins teica, ka viņam steidzami jāiet, bet Liene nesatraucās, jo zināja, ka šodien ir daudz laika.En: Martins said he had to go in a hurry, but Liene wasn't worried because she knew she had plenty of time today.Lv: Turpinot ceļu, Liene ieraudzīja lielisku kāpostu galvu.En: Continuing on her way, Liene spotted a fantastic head of cabbage.Lv: Bez laika zaudēšanas viņa to pacēla un aiz muguras uzsāka runāt, domādama, ka tas ir viņas vīrs Juris.En: Without wasting time, she picked it up and started talking to it, thinking it was her husband Juris.Lv: "Ak, Juris," Liene sacīja, "kad tu beidzot iemācīsies klausīt?En: "Oh, Juris," Liene said, "when will you finally learn to listen?Lv: Es teicu, vai ne, ka mums vajag lielu kāpostgalvu.En: I told you we needed a big cabbage head, didn't I?Lv: Un skaties, ko es atradu!En: And look what I found!Lv: Perfekta!En: Perfect!"Lv: " Liene neapstājās, scolding the cabbage mash, virs tās, kas, saskaņā ar domām, bija Juris, galvas.En: Liene didn't stop scolding the cabbage, thinking it was Juris.Lv: Bet Juris nebija tur.En: But Juris wasn't there.Lv: Kāpostu galva droši slīdēja no Liene rokām un ripoja pa ietvi.En: The cabbage head slid safely from Liene's hands and rolled onto the ground.Lv: Apkārtējie raugoties un sāka smieties.En: The onlookers started laughing.Lv: Liene apmulsa.En: Liene was embarrassed.Lv: Kā viņa varēja sajaukt kāpostgalvu ar Jura galvu?En: How could she have mistaken a cabbage head for Juris?Lv: Brīdī, kad Liene gatavojās vēlreiz uzrunāt "Juris", viņš parādījās ar izbrīna pilnu seju.En: Just as Liene was about to speak to "Juris" again, he appeared with a bewildered expression.Lv: "Liene," viņš aizkustināti sacīja, "ko tu dari?En: "Liene," he said with an amused face, "what are you doing?"Lv: "Liene atskārstīja, skatījās uz kāpostgalvu, kas tagad gulēja zemē, un sarka.En: Startled, Liene looked at the cabbage head now lying on the ground, blushing.Lv: "Es domāju, ka tu neklausies," mierīgi atbildēja viņa.En: "I thought you weren't listening," she replied calmly.Lv: Juris, apjauties par situāciju, smiedamies sāka palīdzēt viņai.En: Realizing the situation, Juris started smiling and helped her.Lv: Viņš pacēla kāpostgalvu un teica: "Liene, varbūt tu varētu viņu scold nedaudz mazāk, un es tev palīdzēšu atrast vislabāko kāpostgalvu visā tirgū.En: He picked up the cabbage head and said, "Liene, maybe you could scold it a little less, and I'll help you find the best cabbage head in the whole market.Lv: Vai tas neskartu to?En: Would that be okay?"