The Dill Deal: A Market Day Mix-Up

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Fluent Fiction - Latvian: The Dill Deal: A Market Day Mix-Up Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Lv: Saule spīdēja spoži, mirdzot noslogotu gājēju sejās, uzsildot bruģakmeņus un vairot dzīvību Rīgas Centrāltirgū.En: The sun shone brightly, casting a glow on the weary faces of pedestrians, warming the cobblestones and fostering life at the Riga Central Market.Lv: Aivars, pacilājuma pilns jauneklis ar asu prātu, šodien bija izlēmis iegādāties vislabāko dilles pušķi savas liepinātās zupas vārīšanai.En: Aivars, a cheerful young man with a sharp mind, had decided today to buy the best bundle of dill for his beloved soup.Lv: Nezinādams, ja viņa mīļā māsa Inese bija pārģērbusies kā tirgus pārdevēja, lai piedalītos tirgus dienas jautrībā, Aivars devās uz viņas stendu.En: Unaware if his dear sister Inese had dressed up as a market vendor to take part in the market day festivities, Aivars headed to her stall.Lv: Liene, Aivara labākā draudzene, bija nākusi viņam līdzi, cerot atrast svaigus ābolus.En: Liene, Aivars's best friend, had come along hoping to find some fresh apples.Lv: Liene vienmēr zināja, kā atrast labāko preču tirgū un tik tikko uzturēja smaidu, ieraugot Aivaru pie dilles stenda.En: Liene always knew how to find the best goods at the market and barely held back a smile when she spotted Aivars at the dill stand.Lv: "Kā tu domā, cik es varu samaksāt par šo pušķi?En: "How much do you think I can pay for this bundle?"Lv: " vaicāja Aivars Lieņai, ķerot rokā vienu no dillēm.En: Aivars asked Liene, grabbing one of the dill stems.Lv: Liene tikai plecu pacēla, jo negrasījās iejaukties cenu virpuļos.En: Liene just shrugged, unwilling to get involved in the whirlwind of prices.Lv: Inese, cieši sasējusi galvu lakatu un uzvilkuši saulesbriļļus, nevarēja atpazīt brāli starp citiem pircējiem.En: Inese, with a scarf tied tightly around her head and sunglasses on, couldn't recognize her brother among the other buyers.Lv: Viņa bija aizņemta, sakārtojot savu preci, lai izskatītos vēl skaistākas viņas izdomātajā tēlā.En: She was busy arranging her merchandise to look even more beautiful in her designed outfit.Lv: Aivars soļoja pie Ineses ar pārliecību un ar smaidu vaigā.En: Aivars strode confidently to Inese with a smile on his face.Lv: "Labdien, cik maksā šis skaistais dillēm pušķis?En: "Hello, how much for this beautiful bunch of dill?"Lv: "Inese atbildēja ar pacilu balsi, kuru Aivars neatpazina: "Tas ir divi eiro.En: Inese answered in a raised voice that Aivars didn't recognize, "That will be two euros."Lv: ""Bet varbūt es varu samaksāt euro un piecdesmit centus?En: "But maybe I can pay one euro and fifty cents?Lv: Tik labas dilles nav viegli atrast," mēģināja sarunāt Aivars, cerībā izvairīties no liekiem izdevumiem.En: Such good dill is not easy to find," Aivars tried to negotiate, hoping to avoid unnecessary expenses.Lv: Inese, gandrīz pazaudējusi savu masku, brīnums ka nenosmējās.En: Inese, nearly losing her composure, miraculously didn't burst into laughter.Lv: "Nu labi, euro piecdesmit, bet tikai šoreiz," viņa teica, turot smieklus pavārā.En: "Well, one euro fifty cents, but only this time," she said, barely holding back laughter.Lv: Aivars, laimīgs par izdevīgo darījumu, pasniedza naudu, nepamanot māsas smieklu dzirksteli acīs.En: Aivars, happy with the favorable deal, handed over the money, not noticing the glint of amusement in his sister's eyes.Lv:...