A Bratislava Christmas: How Lukáš Found Family and Tradition

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Bratislava Christmas: How Lukáš Found Family and Tradition Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-10-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislava bola pokrytá jemným snehovým pokryvom, keď Lukáš a Veronika vystúpili z rušnej električky.En: Bratislava was covered in a gentle layer of snow as Lukáš and Veronika stepped off the bustling tram.Sk: Zimný vietor priviedol vôňu pražených mandlí a vareného vína z blízkeho vianočného trhu.En: The winter wind carried the scent of roasted almonds and mulled wine from the nearby Christmas market.Sk: Bol to ich prvý spoločný výlet na Vianoce a Lukáš sa cítil trochu nervózne.En: It was their first Christmas trip together, and Lukáš felt a bit nervous.Sk: Veronika, vždy plná entuziazmu, ho chytila za ruku.En: Veronika, always full of enthusiasm, grabbed his hand.Sk: "Poď, uvidíš, že sa ti bude páčiť," uisťovala ho.En: "Come on, you’ll see, you’ll like it," she reassured him.Sk: Trh bol plný svetiel a smiechu.En: The market was full of lights and laughter.Sk: Stánky boli ozdobené girlandami a predavači predávali tradičné výrobky ako medovníky, drevené hračky a medovinu.En: Stalls were decorated with garlands, and vendors sold traditional products like gingerbread, wooden toys, and mead.Sk: Lukášovi bije srdce rýchlejšie, keď si predstaví stretnutie so všetkými členmi Veronikinej rodiny.En: Lukáš’s heart beat faster as he imagined meeting all of Veronika’s family members.Sk: Bol zvyknutý na pokojné Vianoce so svojimi rodičmi, no teraz ho čakali aktivity ako pečenie, spev koled a ochutnávanie domácich špecialít.En: He was used to quiet Christmases with his parents, but now activities like baking, singing carols, and tasting homemade specialties awaited him.Sk: Zvuk starých vianočných piesní ho priviedol k malému stánku s horiacim ohňom, kde sa predávali pečené klobásy.En: The sound of old Christmas songs led him to a small stall with a burning fire, where roasted sausages were being sold.Sk: Veronika sa tam zastavila, kúpila dve a veselo mu jednu podala.En: Veronika stopped there, bought two, and cheerfully handed him one.Sk: Potom ho vtiahla do davu, kde sa skupina detí veselo kĺzala po klzisku.En: Then, she pulled him into the crowd where a group of children was joyfully sliding on the ice rink.Sk: Jej veselosť bola nákazlivá.En: Her cheerfulness was contagious.Sk: "Skús trochu zabudnúť na stres a užívaj si chvíľu," povedala s úsmevom.En: "Try to forget the stress a bit and enjoy the moment," she said with a smile.Sk: Večer sa už blížil, keď dorazili ku Veronikinej rodine.En: Evening was approaching as they arrived at Veronika’s family home.Sk: Dom bol teplý a plný ľudí.En: The house was warm and full of people.Sk: Aj keď bola Večerou s Vianocami najdôležitejšia časť, Lukáš vedel, že to ešte len začína.En: Although the Christmas Eve dinner was the most important part, Lukáš knew it was just beginning.Sk: Keď všetci sedeli okolo stola, Veronikina mama podávala tradičnú kapustnicu a oplatky s medom, ktoré boli súčasťou každého slovenského vianočného stola.En: As everyone sat around the table, Veronika’s mom served traditional cabbage soup and wafers with honey, which were part of every Slovak Christmas table.Sk: Lukáš sledoval Veronikinu veľkú rodinu — ich smiech, príbehy a nekonečné láskyplné rozhovory.En: Lukáš watched Veronika’s large family — their laughter, stories, and endless loving conversations.