A Christmas Quest: Ján's Journey from Rivalry to Friendship

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Christmas Quest: Ján's Journey from Rivalry to Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-06-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Sneh jemne padal na strechy Vianočnej dediny.En: The snow gently fell on the roofs of the Vianočná dedina (Christmas Village).Sk: Tréningový tábor pre pomocníkov Santových sobov bol v plnom prúde.En: The training camp for Santa's reindeer helpers was in full swing.Sk: Ján, plný nadšenia, sa snažil zo všetkých síl, aby urobil dojem.En: Ján, full of enthusiasm, was trying his best to impress.Sk: Chcel sa stať trvalým pomocníkom Santa Clausa.En: He wanted to become a permanent helper to Santa Claus.Sk: Ale, ako sa často stávalo, bol trošku nešikovný.En: But, as often happened, he was a bit clumsy.Sk: V ten deň Ján dostal dôležitú úlohu – postarať sa o magické mrkvové občerstvenie pre sobov.En: That day, Ján received an important task—to take care of the magical carrot snacks for the reindeer.Sk: Mrkvy dávali sobom silu na dlhé večerné lety.En: The carrots gave the reindeer the strength for long evening flights.Sk: Ján, zamyslený a plný nadšenia, stratil celú tašku občerstvenia.En: Ján, deep in thought and full of enthusiasm, lost the entire bag of snacks.Sk: „Kde bola?En: "Where was it?"Sk: “ rozmýšľal.En: he wondered.Sk: V duchu videl Maríu, jeho mentorku, ako krúti hlavou.En: In his mind, he saw María, his mentor, shaking her head.Sk: Deň svätého Mikuláša bol takmer tu a čas sa krátil.En: St. Nicholas Day was almost here, and time was running out.Sk: Sneh sa trblietal v svetle svietiacich vianočných ozdôb.En: The snow sparkled in the light of the glowing Christmas decorations.Sk: V pozadí bolo počuť radostný smiech elfov.En: In the background, the joyful laughter of elves could be heard.Sk: Kým sa Ján snažil premýšľať nad riešením, objavila sa Katarína.En: While Ján tried to think of a solution, Katarína appeared.Sk: Bola jeho sokyňa a vždy súťažila o to, kto bude lepší.En: She was his rival and always competed for who would be better.Sk: Ján sa rozhodol, že musí riskovať.En: Ján decided he had to take a risk.Sk: „Katarína, potrebujem tvoju pomoc,“ začal.En: "Katarína, I need your help," he began.Sk: Katarína sa zamračila, ale v očiach jej zaiskrilo.En: Katarína frowned, but there was a spark in her eyes.Sk: Rozhodla sa prijať jeho prosbu.En: She decided to accept his request.Sk: „Dáme hlavy dohromady,“ povedala.En: "Let's put our heads together," she said.Sk: Spoločne prehľadávali celý tábor, kontrolovali každú chýbajúcu zásobu a každý kút.En: Together they searched the entire camp, checking each missing supply and every corner.Sk: Čas sa krátil a soby boli pripravené na let.En: Time was running out, and the reindeer were ready to fly.Sk: Práve keď sa zdalo, že všetko je stratené, Ján zazrel niečo v spleti vianočných svetiel.En: Just when it seemed everything was lost, Ján spotted something in the tangle of Christmas lights.Sk: Taška!En: The bag!Sk: Bola bezpečne na svojom mieste, zamotaná a zabudnutá.En: It was safely in its place, tangled and forgotten.Sk: Rýchlo ju odviazali a priniesli späť.En: They quickly untied it and brought it back.Sk: Soby dostali svoje magické občerstvenie.En: The reindeer received their magical snacks.Sk: Keď sa...