A Day at Bratislava Castle: Love and Craftsmanship Unfolds

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Day at Bratislava Castle: Love and Craftsmanship Unfolds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-day-at-bratislava-castle-love-and-craftsmanship-unfolds Story Transcript:Sk: Jana a Marek sa prechádzali po nádvorí Bratislavského hradu.En: Jana and Marek were strolling through the courtyard of Bratislava Castle.Sk: Slnko svietilo, obloha bola modrá.En: The sun was shining, and the sky was blue.Sk: Na hrade sa konal veľký trh.En: A big market was taking place at the castle.Sk: Trh s tradičnými slovenskými remeselnými výrobkami.En: A market with traditional Slovak handcrafted items.Sk: Jana a Marek obdivovali farebné stánky a vôňu jedla vo vzduchu.En: Jana and Marek admired the colorful stalls and the aroma of food in the air.Sk: Ku každému stánku chceli ísť blížšie, ale bol tam jeden stánok, ktorý prilákal najviac pozornosti.En: They wanted to get closer to each stall, but there was one stall that attracted the most attention.Sk: Boli tam nádherné vyrezávané drevené figúrky a jemné keramické hrnčeky.En: There were beautiful carved wooden figurines and delicate ceramic mugs.Sk: Marek sa pozrel na Janu.En: Marek looked at Jana.Sk: „Tie figúrky sú krásne, však?En: "Those figurines are beautiful, aren't they?"Sk: “ povedal jej.En: he said to her.Sk: Jana prikývla a usmiala sa.En: Jana nodded and smiled.Sk: „Áno, Marek.En: "Yes, Marek.Sk: Sú nádherné.En: They are wonderful.Sk: Pozrime sa.En: Let's have a look."Sk: “Pri stánku stál starý remeselník.En: An elderly craftsman stood at the stall.Sk: Mal šedé vlasy a láskavý úsmev.En: He had gray hair and a kind smile.Sk: Videlo sa, že má radosť, že sú Jana a Marek zaujatí jeho výrobkami.En: It was clear he was happy that Jana and Marek were interested in his products.Sk: „Dobrý deň,“ pozdravil ich.En: "Good day," he greeted them.Sk: „Môžem vám niečo ukázať?En: "Can I show you something?"Sk: “Jana a Marek sa pozreli na seba a prikývli.En: Jana and Marek looked at each other and nodded.Sk: „Áno, prosím,“ povedala Jana.En: "Yes, please," said Jana.Sk: Starý muž im ukázal rôzne figúrky.En: The old man showed them various figurines.Sk: Boli tam malé drevené zvieratá, postavičky z rozprávok a krásne maľované tanieriky.En: There were small wooden animals, characters from fairy tales, and beautifully painted plates.Sk: „Tieto figúrky vyrábam už mnoho rokov,“ povedal starý muž hrdý na svoje remeslo.En: "I've been making these figurines for many years," said the old man, proud of his craft.Sk: „Každá je jedinečná.En: "Each one is unique."Sk: “Marek sa zadíval na jednu figúrku.En: Marek focused on one figurine.Sk: Bola to malá drevená ovečka.En: It was a small wooden sheep.Sk: „Koľko stojí táto ovečka?En: "How much is this sheep?"Sk: “ spýtal sa starého muža.En: he asked the old man.Sk: „Tá ovečka stojí desať eur,“ odpovedal muž.En: "That sheep costs ten euros," the man replied.Sk: Marek vôbec neváhal a peniaze podal mužovi.En: Marek did not hesitate at all and handed the money to the man.Sk: „Ďakujem vám veľmi pekne,“ povedal starý muž s vďačnosťou.En: "Thank you very much," said the old man gratefully.Sk: Marek chytil ovečku a podal ju Jane.En: Marek took the sheep...