A Spark of Hope in Bratislava's Christmas Glow

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Spark of Hope in Bratislava's Christmas Glow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-22-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislava bola plná života.En: Bratislava was full of life.Sk: Vianočný trh žiaril svetlami, zatiaľ čo vzduchom sa niesla vôňa vareného vína, perníkov a pečených gaštanov.En: The Christmas market glowed with lights, while the air was filled with the aroma of mulled wine, gingerbread, and roasted chestnuts.Sk: Mráz jemne štipal na tvári, ale nikomu to nevadilo.En: The frost gently nipped at the face, but no one minded.Sk: Všetko pôsobilo čarovne.En: Everything seemed magical.Sk: Marek stál v rade na varené víno.En: Marek stood in line for mulled wine.Sk: Bol oblečený v teplom kabáte s čiapkou, no jeho srdce bolo naplnené zimou a melanchóliou.En: He was dressed in a warm coat with a hat, yet his heart was filled with cold and melancholy.Sk: Každý rok trávil Vianoce podobne, pocit samoty bol jeho stálym hosťom.En: Every year he spent Christmas similarly, the feeling of loneliness was his constant companion.Sk: Po pravici zrazu začul veselý smiech.En: Suddenly, on his right, he heard cheerful laughter.Sk: Zvedavo sa otočil a zbadal Zuzanu, usmievavú ženu, ktorej oči žiarili radosťou nad príchodom Vianoc.En: Curiously, he turned and saw Zuzana, a smiling woman whose eyes shone with the joy of Christmas approaching.Sk: "Ahoj," pozdravila ho Zuzana.En: "Hello," Zuzana greeted him.Sk: "Čakáš na varené víno?En: "Are you waiting for mulled wine?Sk: Tiež patria k mojim najobľúbenejším," dodala s úsmevom.En: It's also one of my favorites," she added with a smile.Sk: Marek prikývol, cítil sa trocha neisto.En: Marek nodded, feeling a bit uncertain.Sk: "Áno, aspoň niečo, čo zahreje," odpovedal stručne.En: "Yes, at least something to warm up," he replied briefly.Sk: Nebol si istý, či má chuť na rozhovor, ale Zuzanin entuziazmus bol nákazlivý.En: He wasn't sure if he was in the mood for a conversation, but Zuzana's enthusiasm was contagious.Sk: "Milujem tieto trhy.En: "I love these markets.Sk: Vianoce sú ideálny čas pre nových priateľov a dobrú náladu," povedala Zuzana a Marek sa začal cítiť o trochu lepšie.En: Christmas is the perfect time for new friends and good cheer," said Zuzana, and Marek started to feel a bit better.Sk: Postupne sa rozhovor viac rozvinul.En: Gradually, the conversation developed more.Sk: Zuzana kládla otázky, ktoré boli jednoducho osobné a Marek sa pristihol, že odpovedá.En: Zuzana asked questions that were simply personal, and Marek found himself answering.Sk: Rád počúval jej rozprávanie o meste, o malých radostiach života.En: He enjoyed listening to her talk about the city, the small joys of life.Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodli prejsť k veľkému vianočnému stromčeku, ktorý svietil uprostred námestia.En: Finally, they decided to head to the large Christmas tree that shone in the middle of the square.Sk: "Pamätám si, keď som bol chlapec, Vianoce boli plné smiechu a tepla.En: "I remember when I was a boy, Christmas was full of laughter and warmth.Sk: Rodina bola spolu, a to boli najlepšie chvíle," zveril sa Marek.En: The family was together, and those were the best moments," Marek confided.Sk: Jeho hlas bol nostalgický a pohľad sa zdvihol k hviezdam, ktoré nad ním jemne žiarili.En: His voice was nostalgic, and he looked up at the stars gently...