A Summer Triumph: Jakub’s Journey to Confidence in Bratislava

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Summer Triumph: Jakub’s Journey to Confidence in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-summer-triumph-jakubs-journey-to-confidence-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Letné slnko pretekalo cez okná a osvetľovalo kaviareň Freelancer’s Home v Bratislave.En: The summer sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the Freelancer’s Home café in Bratislava.Sk: Kaviareň bola naplnená študentmi.En: The café was filled with students.Sk: Vzduch hučal vzrušením.En: The air buzzed with excitement.Sk: Všetci pracovali na svojich prácach a projektoch.En: Everyone was working on their assignments and projects.Sk: Jakub sedel pri stole pri okne.En: Jakub sat at a table by the window.Sk: Pred sebou mal notebook.En: He had a laptop in front of him.Sk: Sústredene pozeral na obrazovku.En: He stared intently at the screen.Sk: Vedľa neho sedela Anna.En: Next to him sat Anna.Sk: Bola plná energie a radostí, no Jakub bol nervózny.En: She was full of energy and joy, but Jakub was nervous.Sk: Dnes je ten deň, pomyslel si Jakub.En: Today is the day, Jakub thought.Sk: Musím urobiť dojem.En: I need to make an impression.Sk: Hlavne na Annu.En: Especially on Anna.Sk: Jakub bol starší študent strednej školy.En: Jakub was an older high school student.Sk: Bol vášnivý pre technológie, ale často mu chýbalo sebavedomie.En: He was passionate about technology, but he often lacked confidence.Sk: Chcel získať štipendium za svoj technologický projekt.En: He wanted to win a scholarship for his technology project.Sk: A sprevádzala ho jeho spolužiačka Anna.En: And his classmate Anna was accompanying him.Sk: Anna bola príjemná a priateľská.En: Anna was pleasant and friendly.Sk: Jakuba fascinovala jej odvaha a sebadôvera.En: Jakub was fascinated by her courage and confidence.Sk: Dúfal, že ju jeho projekt zaujme.En: He hoped his project would interest her.Sk: Jakub, potrebuješ niečo pomôcť? spýtala sa Anna milo.En: Jakub, do you need any help? Anna asked kindly.Sk: Nie, ďakujem, odpovedal Jakub.En: No, thank you, Jakub replied.Sk: Jeho hrdosť mu nedovolila prijať pomoc.En: His pride wouldn't allow him to accept help.Sk: Projekt sa volal “Inteligentný Domáci Asistent”.En: The project was called “Smart Home Assistant.”Sk: Jakub dlho pracoval na tomto projekte.En: Jakub had worked on this project for a long time.Sk: Bol presvedčený, že má šancu vyhrať štipendium.En: He was convinced that he had a chance to win the scholarship.Sk: Ale keď sa blížila prezentácia, všetko sa zdalo ísť proti nemu.En: But as the presentation approached, everything seemed to go against him.Sk: Jakubove ruky sa triasli.En: Jakub's hands trembled.Sk: Vstal a zamieril k prednej časti kaviarne.En: He stood up and headed to the front of the café.Sk: Všetci študenti a sudcovia sledovali.En: All the students and judges were watching.Sk: Spustil prezentáciu na veľkej obrazovke.En: He started the presentation on a large screen.Sk: A potom to prišlo.En: And then it happened.Sk: Technická porucha.En: A technical glitch.Sk: Obrazovka zamrzla.En: The screen froze.Sk: Všetci stíchli.En: Everyone fell silent.Sk: Nie, nie teraz, pomyslel...